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Playing With / Murder by Inaction

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Basic Trope: Deliberately not saving someone from dying.

  • Straight: Jack chooses not to save Victor from being killed by a knife-wielding Serial Killer.
  • Exaggerated: Jack lets Victor to die an extremely slow and painful death from an incurable disease, even passing up any chance to give him a mercy killing.
  • Downplayed:
    • Jack doesn't prevent Victor from suffering a severe but non-fatal injury.
    • Jack doesn't save Victor from a burning house, given that Victor was the one who set it on fire in the first place.
    • Jack gives Victor a knife, despite that he is no match for the killer, armed or not.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: Jack saves Victor someone by doing nothing, and not interfering with the people actually capable of saving his life.
  • Subverted: It were to look like Jack was going to leave Victor in a pool of his own blood until he jumps in to stop the serial killer.
  • Double Subverted: But after that, he leaves a wounded Victor behind, going on his own business.
  • Parodied: Victor actually cannot die permanently, and no matter how many times Jack abandons him, he keeps coming back to die again.
  • Zig Zagged: Jack can't decide whether to save Victor, mercy kill him, or leave him for dead.
  • Averted: Jack doesn't allow Victor to die from his injuries.
  • Enforced: The author wants to make a point about how being a bystander will make you lose your humanity by having Jake leave Victor to die.
  • Lampshaded:
    Victor: "You're just going to leave me here, Jack!?"
  • Invoked: Jack is ordered to leave Victor to his fate.
  • Exploited: Victor already being in mortal peril saves Jack a moral dilemma, at least in his eyes. If Victor dies now, Jack didn't kill him, he just had it coming.
  • Defied:
    Jack: "You think I'm just going to leave you here, Victor?!"
  • Discussed:
    Victor: "Wait, you're leaving me to die?"
    Jack: "Yes. You want to know why? Because you're a bastard and you deserve this to happen to you. But I won't kill you because your suffering will be too quick. I'll just stand there and bask in the moment of your long-awaited death."
  • Conversed: "The creator says that Jack doesn't kill anyone, but leaving Victor to die kinda counts as murder IMHO."
  • Implied: Jack walks by Victor, who's about to die, and doesn't look his way.
  • Deconstructed: Jack's decision in not saving Victor earns him the harsh criticism from society and his friends and spends the rest of his life in prison.
  • Reconstructed: But even so, other people never liked Victor and are glad that Jack left him for dead.
  • Played For Laughs: Victor's ghost comes back to haunt Jack with annoying reminders about the time Jack let Victor die.
  • Played For Drama:

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