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Playing With / Made of Plasticine

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Basic Trope: The human body is damaged much more easily than it would be in real life.

  • Straight: Bob lightly slashes his sword at Charlie's neck, and Charlie's head comes clean off.
  • Exaggerated: Bob slaps Charlie across the face, and Charlie immediately explodes.
  • Downplayed: Charlie gets what looks like a papercut when Bob punches him in the face.
  • Justified:
    • Charlie is a zombie, and his rotten flesh has trouble holding itself together under any kind of force.
    • Charlie is actually a golem made of paper.
    • Charlie's body has been weakened by disease or malnutrition.
    • Charlie is being torn apart with inhuman strength.
  • Inverted: Bob swings his sword with all his might at Charlie, but all Charlie gets is a small cut.
  • Subverted:
    • Charlie trips and falls onto a large twig and it looks like it's gone right through his body, until we see that though it went through his jacket, it passed around his actual flesh.
    • Bob attacks Charlie with his sword, hoping to slice him in half. It doesn't work.
  • Double Subverted:
    • ...Then Bob runs up to help, trips, and the twig really does impale him all the way.
    • first. Turns out, it was a case of Delayed Causality.
  • Parodied:
    • Charlie tries to do something utterly mundane, like taking a walk to the park, and ends up ripped into bloody bits by equally mundane events, such as brushing against an untrimmed bush alongside the path.
    • Charlie is a combat droid that, due to a manufacturing error, really is made of plasticine.
    • Charlie used to be a blue plasticine figurine, but he was turned into a fragile Humanoid Abomination via magic.
  • Zig Zagged: Sometimes a light sword chop will cause instant dismemberment, sometimes it won't. It switches back and forth from episode to episode.
  • Averted: People neither fall apart instantly when hit, nor seem to be impervious to all damage. They get hurt in realistic amounts.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "That decapitation was actually really easy. Weird."
  • Invoked: Someone forces a poisonous substance down Charlie's throat that makes his body brittle.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: Charlie takes vitamins to boost his strength.
  • Discussed: "I hardly hit these people and they fall apart! The human body's supposed to be a lot stronger than that, it's really weird."
  • Discussed Subversion: "Dang. Movies make chopping heads look so easy."
  • Conversed: "Even though you won't fall apart like people in some movies, Charlie, you should still stay away from pointy objects."
  • Implied: Bob threatens Charlie by poking him with a spoon until he dies. Having done the deed offscreen, Bob checks his watch and sees that only two minutes have passed.
  • Deconstructed: Charlie becomes paranoid because of his vulnerability to damage and ends up too scared to even leave his own bedroom.
  • Reconstructed: Charlie makes sure to wear heavy armor all the time because he knows how easily he'll fall apart if hit.
  • Played For Horror: The sheer ease by which human bodies can be torn apart causes characters to suffer frequent and horrifying deaths at the hands of the monsters.

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