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Playing With / Love Makes You Crazy

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Basic Trope: A person who falls in love ends up acting irrationally and behaving strangely.

  • Straight: Alice falls in love with Bob. Because of her strong devotion to him, she starts to behave in a crazy and irrational manner.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice is so irrationally in love with Bob that she becomes a Yandere for him. She stalks him by following him everywhere that he goes 24/7, harasses him with over 1000 phone calls every single day, leaves over 100 messages on his message machine daily, writes and sends a love letter to him every single day, sends him "I love you" text messages every five minutes, sends 10,000 emails to him per week telling him she loves him, brutally murders all romantic rivals that are interested in him, mercilessly kills anyone who even looks at him, panics and completely loses it if she doesn't hear from him every single hour, carves "I love Bob" onto her body with a sharp object, would committ suicide to be with him if he ever died, would kill herself if he didn't like her, and would kill him if he ever rejected her or betrayed her.
    • Bob was put under a love spell or has special powers that make every single woman on the planet fall crazily in love with him and act irrationally over him.
  • Downplayed: Alice falls in love with Bob, and although she occasionally displays some irrational behavior regarding him, she doesn't pose a significant threat to him or anyone else.
  • Justified:
    • Alice is psychologically unstable, Cute and Psycho, or Axe-Crazy.
    • Alice is a Yandere and is obsessed with Bob.
    • Alice is a Stalker with a Crush.
    • Bob is a Living Emotional Crutch for Alice so she will act irrationally due to her devotion to him.
    • Alice acts irrationally because she wants to protect Bob.
    • Alice wants to prove that she has Undying Loyalty to Bob.
    • Alice is heartbroken after Bob dumps her. She has a mental breakdown.
    • Bob tragically dies and Alice loses her sanity.
    • Alice has lost a lot of people in her life that she loves and she doesn't want to lose Bob.
    • Alice has a fear of being abandoned or has serious abandonment issues and goes crazy when people leave her.
    • Alice hates being alone.
    • Alice has problems with codependence.
    • Alice believes that acting crazy and irrational is the way to express love.
    • Alice is extremely Love Hungry.
    • Alice's love for Bob is unrequited and she loses it because he doesn't return her affections.
    • Bob rejected Alice but Alice is Not Good with Rejection.
    • Alice was betrayed by Bob and became a Woman Scorned.
    • Alice is suffering from an ambiguous disorder or mental illness.
    • Alice is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and is suffering from serious trauma due to a traumatic event.
    • Alice is Bipolar Disorder and has severe mood swings which causes her to act irrational in regards to Bob.
    • Alice has serious Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) which causes her to become highly anxious and act irrationally and unpredictably towards Bob.
    • Alice has Schizophrenia or Schizotypical Personality Disorder (SPD) in which the voices inside of her head tell her to do crazy, irrational things because she loves Bob.
    • Alice has Dissociative Identity Disorder / Multiple Personality Disorder (DID/MPD) which causes her to have two or more alter egos and personalities. One of her alternate personalities is obsessed with Bob and does crazy stuff for him.
    • Alice has Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and has an extreme fear of being abandoned so she does irrational, unpredictable and crazy things to avoid being abandoned by Bob and to prevent him from leaving her.
    • Alice has Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) and is extremely needy, codependent and clingy towards Bob. She's willing to do anything to be with Bob, even if it's crazy and irrational because she can't imagine being without him.
    • Alice has Histrionic Personality Disorder (HPD) and she's an Attention Whore who needs constant attention from Bob. She's also a Drama Queen who thrives off of acting crazy in the name of her love for Bob because it will give her attention.
    • Alice has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and does crazy, irrational things in the name of her love for Bob because she likes to have complete control over him. She wants Bob to focus only on her and nobody else.
    • Alice has Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD) and gets extremely suspicious about anyone who comes within Bob's vicinity. So she acts crazy and irrational in the name of her love for him because she's paranoid that someone is going to take Bob away from her.
    • Alice suffers from Erotomania or Obsessive Love Disorder.
    • Alice is The Sociopath who has no conscience.
    • Alice just wants Bob to love her or notice her.
    • Alice will do anything for the person she loves.
    • Alice has bad luck with love and she feels that Bob is her final chance at finding happiness.
    • Alice was mind raped to believe that Bob is her soulmate.
    • Alice is put under a love spell that made her crazy in love with Bob.
    • Alice was brainwashed into loving Bob.
    • Bob has special powers that cause Alice and other women to fall crazy in love with him.
    • Bob was put under a spell that causes other women to irrationally fall in love with him.
    • Alice suffers from Reactive Attachment Disorder, which can cause her to react negatively due to past trauma.
    • Alice was in a toxic/abusive relationship in the past, and has difficulties reacting to love normally.
    • Alice has OCD, which commonly manifests around her boyfriend.
    • Bob is abusive towards Alice, especially mentally which breaks down her sanity.
  • Inverted:
  • Gender-Inverted: Bob is in love with Alice and acts crazy and irrationally because of his love for her.
  • Subverted: Alice was never really in love with Bob. She was just pretending to be interested in him while Obfuscating Insanity because she wanted to get revenge against him for hurting her.
  • Double Subverted: Alice claims that she was never in love with Bob and only acted crazy to get revenge against him. At least that is what she wants people to believe...
  • Parodied: Mere seconds after becoming infatuated with Bob, women end up arming themselves with weapons in attempts to scare each other away from getting near him.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice is crazy in love with Bob...but not anymore. But wait, she fell crazy in love with Daniel. Hold on, Daniel is actually gay, so she goes crazy over Bob again.
  • Averted: Alice doesn't act crazy and irrational due to falling in love with Bob.
  • Enforced: Bob, although caring for Alice, accidentally enables her behavior.
  • Lampshaded: "My love for him is so out of control! I can't tell if what I'm doing is wrong or right."
  • Invoked: Bob is a powerful sorcerer. He put Alice under a love spell to make her fall crazy in love with him.
  • Exploited: Bob decides to use Alice's crazy infatuation for him for his own personal agenda.
  • Defied: Even though she is absolutely crazy about Bob, Alice puts her emotions aside because she wants to always do the right thing and she wants Bob to be happy.
  • Discussed: "Alice! Stop acting like this! Just because you're in love with Bob does not give you an excuse to behave so irrationally!"
  • Conversed: "I can't believe Alice lost her sanity because she fell in love with Bob."
  • Deconstructed: Alice falls in love with Bob, causing her to be obsessive and eventually self-destructive as she tries to contact him. She eventually learns that her "love" for Bob was actually limerence all along and that she has a problem.

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