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Playing With / Level Ate

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Basic Trope: A place made of food. Such a place is often used as a video game level.

  • Straight: Sweetopia is a video game level made out of sweets and ice cream. The platforms are biscuits and chocolate bars, the walls and landscapes are cakes, the rivers are cream, the moon is a cheese, and the trees are broccoli. In addition, ice cream and sweets are scattered all over the place and the houses are Gingerbread Houses.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Everything in Sweetopia is some kind of food, even its inhabitants and game collectibles that normally aren't. They transform the player into food as well.
    • Sweetopia is followed by several other food-themed levels, such as Saladia, Eggs 'n' Bacon, Sandwichland, etc.
  • Downplayed: Sweetopia is a confection factory.
  • Justified: Sweetopia was created as a mean of feeding a giant. Said giant died before he could eat Sweetopia, and nobody got rid of it afterward.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted:
    • However, when Krad Draziw is defeated and No Ontological Inertia sets in, Sweetopia becomes a land of sweets and ice cream once again.
    • The fake has real food inside!
    • The "sweets" that make up the area are actually metal replicas of real sweets — but the hero is a Metal Muncher and can eat them anyway.
  • Parodied:
    The announcer: Welcome to Sweetopia! Feel free to eat anything here! You're probably asking yourself why nothing here ever spoils. It's because we use Peter's Preservatives! It's perfectly safe to eat, even though someone probably just stepped on that. It kills all bacteria immediately! How is it safe to eat? Uh, it only destroys bacterial DNA, which is different from human DNA! If you eat it, I can assure you that you won't come down with fever and huge pains before a painful death. In other words, go ahead! It's perfectly safe!
  • Zig Zagged: It's unknown whether the Giant Food in Sweetopia is real, and both beliefs are common (even though you could just taste it to find out).
  • Averted: Sweetopia is made of sweet and cute things, but not food.
  • Enforced: The author wanted to create a colorful topsy-turvy fantasy world, and felt like a land made of candy would do the trick.
  • Lampshaded: "I love being in this place. Everything looks and smells so delicious!"
  • Invoked: A kid with magic powers wants to fulfill his dream of living in a world of candy.
  • Exploited: Someone takes sweets from Sweetopia and sells them elsewhere.
  • Defied: Someone eats all of Sweetopia.
  • Discussed: "I'd like to see an area made of food."
  • Conversed: "I wish I could be in the game with that food world." "Doesn't surprise me. You'd eat it right up."
  • Implied: Laura and Arnold talk about their trip to Sweetopia, describing it as a Level Ate (we never saw them visit Sweetopia).
  • Deconstructed: As time progresses, the cakes, cream, and ice cream spoil. After a while, Sweetopia becomes squicky.
  • Reconstructed: However, when you find the Superstar, it restores Sweetopia to a permanent "fresh" state.
  • Played For Laughs: A Big Eater tries to eat his way through Sweetopia.
  • Played For Drama: Laura and Arnold are banished from eating the food.

Back to Level Ate, but don't eat it up. You aren't the only one that needs to go through it.
