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Playing With / Lesbian Vampire

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Basic Trope: A vampiress with an appetite for other women.

  • Straight: Alice seduces and ultimately bites Bianca.
  • Exaggerated: Alice has a Vampire's Harem of young women that she's "turned".
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice will bite men, but approaches biting them with as a straightforward, nutritional thing. Feeding from women is a much more intimate affair.
    • Alice is a lesbian, but views feeding as non-sexual, and is willing to feed from anyone regardless of gender. She only feeds from her girlfriend Bianca most because Bianca trusts her more than anyone else does, and doesn't mind being bitten.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
  • Gender Inverted: Gay male vampires.
  • Subverted: Alice captures a number of women and takes them to her castle for blood-sucking, or so it initially seems, as it's only a ploy in service to Dracula.
  • Double Subverted: But then, Dracula awards Alice for her recent success by letting her suck out the captured women's blood.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged: Alice doesn't always sexually lust after human females and likewise occasionally sexually lusts after human males, making her bisexual instead.
  • Averted: There are no vampires.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "Have you ever noticed how female vampires only seem to sexually lust after ordinary human females and never human males?"
  • Invoked: Alice rapes and sucks blood from ordinary human females to convert them over to her side in every way imaginable to make them think and act just like herself.
  • Exploited:
    • Alice employs a form of misdirection with this. Whenever people get the feeling she's hiding something, she comes out as lesbian and most investigators assume it's just that (provided plausible explanation). This gives her the added bonus of knowing just who is poking their noses into her business.
    • Bob uses Alice's homosexual tendencies to defend himself while hunting down and killing her.
  • Defied:
    • Women eat garlic and bring crosses to ward Alice off.
    • She doesn't wish to bite humans, and so only bites animals.
    • To please her conservative vampire sires, she takes conversion therapy so that she will suck the blood of men and women.
    • Bob, a sexually straight male vampire, rapes Alice in an attempt to convert her over to his side of thinking.
  • Discussed: "Lesbian Vampire...insert tasteless joke about oral sex and periods here!"
  • Conversed: "I wonder what happens if a male vampire bites a man? Does his victim "turn" gay like that too?"
  • Implied:
    • Alice is a vampire who frequently gets Les Yay moments.
    • Alice is definitely a lesbian, and while she may or may not actually be a vampire, she looks the part at least.
  • Deconstructed:
  • Reconstructed:
    • A vampire slayer who happens to be a lesbian herself kills a bunch of vampires, calming the mob by pointing out sexuality doesn't factor into morality.
    • Victims of such a Homophobic Hate Crime by the newly-turned vampires become vampires themselves.
    • Alice moves away from where she used to (sort of) live where the social pressures of the past are strong, into a modern city and starts a nightclub with the purpose of drawing young, unattached women to one location to feed on. Initially Alice puts up with it for the purpose of finding new victims to feed on, but in the process of observing them she notices how happier they seem being themselves and wonders if she could do the same, eventually leading her to let go of the homophobia that she kept inflicting on herself.
  • Played For Drama:
    • Alice being both lesbian and a Friendly Neighborhood Vampire is at odds with her more conservative (on several levels) vampire elders. She is forced to live on her own as a result, able to neither rely on her vampire clan due to her refusal to compromise on her identity nor easily able to find friends among humans because she's a vampire.
    • Bianca is a lesbian but not a vampire. Between other people assuming she's either a vampire or under one's thrall when her sexuality becomes known, constantly having to prove she's not evil, and the fear that actual lesbian vampires might target her specifically, Bianca is in a constant state of alert which is exhausting.
  • Played For Laughs: Alice fulfills nearly all the humorous lesbian stereotypes, even the more obscure ones. She meets Bianca at a Tegan & Sara concert, and on their third date, she picks her up in a U-Haul. When they arrive at Alice's Haunted Castle, Alice tells Bianca:
    Alice: I need to come out to you.
    Bianca: Um, hey, Captain Obvious, I'd kinda noticed—
    Alice: No, vait, not that! I'm a vampire.
  • Played For Horror: Alice and her successfully converted female vampire harem travel all across the world in an attempt to convert every single human female living within it into another Lesbian Vampire.

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