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Playing With / Lazy Backup

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Basic Trope: Arbitrary Headcount Limit forces a Game Over when there are still members of the Player Party standing right outside the battle.

  • Straight: Hiro, Morgana, Kelvin and Mana get trounced in a Boss Battle. While their friends Benjamin, Chase, Rachel and Leon are still standing, the game still ends then and there.
  • Exaggerated: Benjamin, Chase, Rachel and Leon are literally standing right there watching the fight, but don't make any move to help their fallen companions.
  • Downplayed: Hiro, Morgana, Kelvin, and Mana all fall in battle, the rest of the party cause an evacuation and the loss counts as a "run"
  • Justified:
    • The battles take place in an alternate dimension, with the sideline characters Locked Out of the Fight.
    • The other party members are officially performing other missions, and are therefore unavailable when the main party need replacements.
  • Inverted:
    • There are still enemies to be taken down, even visible during the fight, but once you beat the current group, cue Victory Pose.
    • The entire party is wiped out in a Hopeless Boss Fight, including the backup, but the game goes on.
  • Subverted: After the current party is defeated, the others leap in to continue the fight.
  • Double Subverted: However, this leads to a Non-Standard Game Over with only minor variations depending on whether you win or lose that battle.
  • Parodied: As their fighting friends get slaughtered by the boss and the Game Over screen comes up, Benjamin, Chase, Rachel and Leon are seen to the side eating popcorn, playing cards or doing useless cheerleading.
  • Zig Zagged: The game system allows players to switch members in and out of battle, but exactly what's permitted changes depending on various factors so that one can't always count on being able to continue the fight.
  • Averted:
    • Extra party members can be brought in to replace fallen comrades.
    • The number of party members never goes above the Arbitrary Headcount Limit.
  • Enforced: Due to severely limited technology, implementing a function to change party members during battle would take up too much memory/processor cycles/etc.
  • Lampshaded: (Bleeding out on the floor) "Guys, why are you just standing there? Help us!
  • Invoked: The villain turns to the surviving party members, and specifically tells them that if they try to fight, he will either bring in his entire army or kill them in a more painful way.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: When the current party falls, a new one can take their place.
  • Discussed: "What do you mean 'Game Over'? I still have plenty of party members left."
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: The hero refuses help from his friends as a matter of honor, and as a result he and his friends are defeated separately by the villain.
  • Reconstructed: The hero and the villain are both bound by honor not to accept outside help unless the other person breaks their oath first. If the backup intervened, the hero and friends would have to fight the villain's entire army.
  • Played For Laughs: The extra members are shown holding a tea party while waiting for the fight to finish.

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