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Playing With / Instant Awesome: Just Add Mecha!

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Basic Trope: The introduction of Humongous Mecha for the sake of awesomeness when technically not needed.

  • Straight: Science Wars Delta is primarily realistic, but uses Mecha for all the large scale battle scenes.
  • Exaggerated: School Of Innocence is a Coming of Age Story with a Slice of Life bent that inexplicably feature Mecha everywhere, even having the school itself be one.
  • Downplayed: Hyper Machine Genesis is about humanity applying and using new technology, Mecha making sporadic appearances as eye-candy for the viewers.
  • Justified: Warforge Heaven is built entirely around the concept of a Humongous Mecha Valhalla, thus needing them to tell the story.
  • Inverted:
    • Cyber Force Seven is a Mecha-heavy show that randomly switches to realistic warfare at times.
    • Putting Mecha into Sweet Princess Girls ruins the whole point of the show, their presence anti-awesome.
  • Subverted: Great Mechanical Lord is advertised as a Mecha show, but once it airs there's not a single one in site.
  • Double Subverted: ...Until episode 2 rolls around, where the Mecha make their presence known.
  • Parodied: Pardon Rodin If includes Mecha pretty much everywhere for no apparent reason. Bathroom? Humongous Mecha using the shower! Basketball court? Mini-Mecha deftly swinging around the human players. Prison? Hardboiled Mecha that's far too tall for the cell.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Mecha do not abruptly make an appearance in a work unless there's justified reason.
  • Enforced: "This show needs ratings badly, so let's add in some Mecha to spice things up!"
  • Lampshaded: "Wow wow wow, where the hell has this Humongous Mecha been hiding!?"
  • Invoked: The cast of Superscience Daily creates some new piece of sci-fi tech each episode, deciding that making some Mecha would be awesome to do.
  • Exploited: Drake injects some Mecha into his and Bob's shared project Defiant Arbiters in order to test audience reaction to his concepts before breaking away from Bob.
  • Defied: "This is a faithful retelling and there were no Mecha in the original!"
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Implied: Fantasy Reproba is canonically known to never have had giants, yet mysterious humongous shoeprints keep coming from somewhere.
  • Deconstructed: The unnecessary appearance of Mecha distracts from the proper story being told, so even though plenty of people come to watch shows like Drive Engine Five they ultimately don't understand the story or even the characters they're supposed to be watching.
  • Reconstructed: Though shows that employ gratuitous Mecha such as Highway Brawl get their fans mostly because of the Mecha, the fans do end up respecting and enjoying the rest of the show.
  • Played For Laughs: Mecha is used solely to make the mundane awesome in Stargazer Zeta, even playing Ominous Latin Chanting to take it over the top.
  • Played For Drama: By introducing Mecha into the canon of Grim War Stell, there's no logical reason Emperor Evulz wouldn't start using Mecha for his own army. Thus the conflict escalates even higher, ultimately resulting in a clear Downer Ending whereas before it would have been bittersweet.

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