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Playing With / I'm Taking Her Home with Me!

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Basic Trope: A character's Cuteness Proximity is so strong that they try to get the source back to their home, laws be damned.

  • Straight:
    • Alice stumbles upon a kid called Beth, and almost immediately invites Beth to live with her.
    • Alice finds a lost toy on the street, and finds it so cute she immediately puts it somewhere in her home without checking who lost it.
  • Exaggerated: Alice has adopted several children and about a dozen cats this way, consensually or not.
  • Downplayed: Alice is open about finding Beth adorable, but other than regularly inviting herself to Beth's family's house, doesn't do anything rash.
    • Alice is a family friend and regularly pretends to try to steal Beth
    • Alice is at a pet store. Upon seeing a dog, she impulsively adopts it.
  • Justified:
    • Beth is an orphan and/or just ran away from an abusive household, and Alice does not want to go through a bunch of legal loops before getting her to a more caring home.
    • Alice is a passionate toymaker who feels like every lost and broken toy needs a new home.
    • Alice is very young herself and lacks the impulse control not to just take all the stuff she wants.
  • Inverted:
    • Someone's pet snake breaks into Alice's house. She finds it disgusting and therefore kicks it out immediately.
    • Alice deliberately collects things she finds ugly for one reason or another.
    • Alice finds Beth adorable... And asks if Alice can move to Beth's house instead.
    • Alice finds Beth adorable; Beth feels the same way, and tries to unofficially adopt Alice.
  • Subverted: Alice finds Beth adorable and invites her... To a nearby restaurant so Beth can get a good meal for once.
  • Double Subverted: ... But then seeing Beth with ice cream and a happy grin all over her face, Alice tries to take her home for real.
  • Parodied: Alice gets this reaction around guns, or something similarly non-adorable.
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice is the Team Mom of her schoolmates. At school, she will invite people (like Beth) who she finds cute to join her group of friends.
  • Averted: Alice finds Beth adorable but does not try to take her anywhere.
  • Enforced: The writers need Beth to be an orphan adopted by Alice for the plot to work, but Alice's home country does not allow single people to adopt children and thus make it an illegal but consensual procedure.
  • Lampshaded: One of Alice's friends asks how she's planning to tackle the potential kidnapping charges.
  • Invoked: Alice's parents spoiled her and/or repeatedly told her that anything found on the ground is fair game, an attitude which stays with her into adulthood.
  • Exploited: One of Alice's enemies plant a camera in something cute Alice would take home to find out her location.
  • Defied: Alice does find a lot of things and people adorable, but is adamant about letting them stay where she found them and settles for taking photos if she wants a tangible memory of them.
  • Discussed: "Dude, Alice, you can't just take every single kid home just 'cause they're adorable!"
  • Conversed: "Welp, guess this author didn't get the memo that hoarding isn't 'kyute' anymore."
  • Implied: Alice's house is full of various junk that could be considered adorable, and when questioned she just states "I just think these are neat!"
  • Deconstructed: Alice gets into legal trouble due to repeated (attempted) kidnapping and stealing charges.
  • Played for Laughs:
    • Alice gains Super-Strength when, and only when, she's trying to take adorable things home.
    • Alice has an entire room full of basically kidnapped children and it’s played for black comedy.
  • Played for Drama: Alice is a compulsive hoarder who buys a bunch of junk just because it's "cute", and the series depicts her condition as it is.
  • Played for Horror: Beth starts panicking and crying for mummy when Alice decides to take her home... And Alice just finds her despair even more adorable.

Wow, look at that adorable main page, I'm saving it on my hard drive!
