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Playing With / Humanoid Female Animal

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Basic Trope: Female animals are drawn more humanoid/anthropomorphic than the male animals.

  • Straight: Alice the cat is notably more humanoid than her friend Bob the dog.
  • Exaggerated: The male animals are almost completely regular animals, but the female animals are pretty much humans with animal characteristics.
  • Downplayed: All of the animals look pretty similar regardless of gender, but female characters may have Hartman Hips, Furry Female Mane, or other Tertiary Sexual Characteristics.
  • Justified:
    • Alice Was Once A Woman, but is undergoing a slow, gradual transformation into becoming a cat.
    • In this world, female animals evolved to be more humanoid than males.
    • It's an alien species with Bizarre Sexual Dimorphism.
  • Inverted: The male characters are more humanoid than the female characters.
  • Subverted: Although we're lead to believe that female animals are more anthropomorphic than the males, a female character that looks nearly identical to the male characters is introduced.
  • Double Subverted: Who turns out to be a male character that was crossdressing.
  • Parodied: Any female member of a non-human species is essentially a Cute Monster Girl.
  • Zig-Zagged: Some female characters are more humanoid, but some aren't.
  • Averted: How anthropomorphic the character is has nothing to do with their gender.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "Weird that Alice looks almost like a person, but I'm a cartoony animal."
  • Invoked: A Mad Scientist creates a race of animal-people, but specifically makes the females more humanlike.
  • Exploited: Due to having a more humanoid body, Alice can do more things that Bob can't.
  • Defied: The Mad Scientist creates a race of animal-people, but decides that how animal-like or person-like they are has nothing to do with gender.
  • Discussed: "Why do the female animals look so different from the male animals?"
  • Conversed: "They drew the female characters as much more humanoid than the male characters. Is is like they think the audience can't tell they're a girl unless they're given an extreme amount of Tertiary Sexual Characteristics?"

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