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Playing With / Girls with Moustaches

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Basic Trope: A female has some sort of visible facial hair.

  • Straight: Alice has a thick moustache.
  • Exaggerated: Alice has a beard that's as long as her long hair.
  • Downplayed: Alice has a pencil thin moustache.
  • Justified:
    • Alice has grown a beard because of some Applied Phlebotinum or magic.
    • Alice has a medical condition such as hirsuitism that causes her to sprout excessive facial hair.
    • Alice is a member of a fantasy race (e.g. dwarf) whose females naturally grow beards.
    • Alice is a kind of animal (such as a walrus, orangutan, yak, cat, or goat) that has/appears to have facial hair regardless of gender.
    • Alice is wearing a false beard as a disguise or as part of a costume.
    • Alice is (or at least was) a proto-human from before facial hair became tied to gender.
    • Alice is intersex or a trans woman.
    • Alice is abusing steroids.
  • Inverted: In a situation where men are supposed to have Manly Facial Hair or Carpet of Virility, Bob has no hair at all.
  • Subverted:
  • Double Subverted: ... but under the fake beard she still got some hair growing.
  • Parodied:
    • Alice's mustache is very big; she does not even know her gender!
    • Alice looks like a perfectly feminine woman... except she has a mustache.
  • Zig Zagged: Lucy, a sorceress has made Alice grown a beard but Alice shaves it off. She then wears a fake one to convince Lucy that she hasn't shaved it off but Lucy doesn't buy into it, and makes Alice grow a beard again under her fake one.
  • Averted: Alice doesn't have facial hair.
  • Enforced: "This show has a circus. We gotta have the bearded lady!"
  • Lampshaded: "I didn't know girls could grow beards!"
  • Invoked: Alice convinces a wizard to give her a beard.
  • Exploited: Alice exploits her facial hair to disguise herself as a man, because who would think women could have mustaches too?
  • Defied: Alice shaves off her beard every time it starts to grow.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "I wonder why that woman in that show has a beard."
  • Implied: At morning, Alice is shown applying shaving cream to her face.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice faces the full brunt of the world's hostility towards those who don't conform to our gender norms.
    • Alice is insecure about the fact that she can grow a beard because she fears that it'll make her look unattractive.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Ha! As if she cares.
    • Someone actually falls in love with Alice, and they even see Alice's facial hair as an attractive feature.
  • Played For Laughs: Lucy complains that Alice, a tomboy, isn't very ladylike, the next shot then cuts to Alice shown with a full beard saying "What do you mean?".
  • Played For Drama: Alice is only seen as "that girl with a beard", and it wears at her sense of personal identity, since all anyone wants to do is marvel at her.

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