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Basic Trope: A person has unrealistic amounts of money that can do unrealistic things.

  • Straight:
  • Exaggerated: Emperor Evulz has an impossible store of liquid assets. If there's anything he wants, even if it belongs to aliens, it will soon belong to him.
  • Downplayed: Emperor Evulz is rich enough to Hand Wave ordinary expenses away - he flies all around the world without batting an eyelid, doesn't think twice about driving his top-of-the-range sports car to destruction, etc - but doesn't do anything that would really break Willing Suspension of Disbelief.
  • Justified: Emperor Evulz lives in a post-scarcity economy.
  • Inverted: Bob is flat broke and owns absolutely nothing.
  • Subverted: Emperor Evulz is a Mock Millionaire without a dime of actual cash to his name, and his Conspicuous Consumption is fueled by an unending line of credit...
  • Double Subverted: ...Because he knows that he's going to receive an endowment that will elevate him to Fiction 500 status proper.
  • Parodied:
  • Emperor Evulz buys increasingly ridiculous things, and they frequently backfire in comical ways.
  • Bob fights crime as Bribeman, repeatedly using his great wealth to buy superpowers from the universe itself and bribe villains into turning themselves in -usually with comically small amounts.
  • Zig Zagged: Emperor Evulz's wealth is shown to be everywhere from immense to mediocre to pitiful under varying circumstances.
  • Averted: Bob has some money, but not enough to buy everything he wants.
  • Enforced: "We need a character to buy the protagonist's toys."
  • Lampshaded: "I didn't even know anyone could actually buy that!"
  • Invoked: Emperor Evulz is a Con Artist who plays the Mock Millionaire in order to sponge off people who actually do have money.
  • Exploited: "Wow, did you hear about the inheritance Emperor Evulz is getting? If I were to soak up just a little bit of his money, I'd never need to work again."
  • Defied: Emperor Evulz becomes unfathomably rich, but then he promptly disposes of all his wealth so people don't think he's too rich for his own good.
  • Discussed:
    Alice: "Dude, how could you possibly afford that whale circus?"
    Emperor Evulz: "Internet."
  • Conversed:
    Alice: "I just don't get it. How can Batman possibly afford all those wonderful toys?"
    Emperor Evulz: "He... I... Er...Just tell yourself "It's just a show, I really should relax."
  • Deconstructed: Emperor Evulz is a Corrupt Corporate Executive, and his lifestyle is shown to be exceedingly hollow, lonely and unfulfilling. His unbelievable expenses are based on a precariously balanced web of deceit, credit fraud, embezzlement and Con Artistry that may well be more work than he'd have to put into an honest job for the same return.
  • Reconstructed: ...But he successfully pins all his crimes on a Deceased Fall Guy, liquidates what he can and overall pulls off a masterful Karma Houdini. He continues his lavish lifestyle on the straight and narrow as a Gatsby-esque Self-Made Man with a Mysterious Past.
  • Played For Laughs: after Evulz dies, he is doomed to an eternity in hell for his many, many misdeeds. After the Long List is read out to him, he proceeds to bribe his way out with a chain of pacific islands.

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