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Playing With / Fat Idiot

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Basic Trope: A character who is overweight and dimwitted.

  • Straight: Dave is fairly overweight, and also a Book Dumb fool.
  • Exaggerated: Dave is morbidly obese, and is also (borderline) mentally retarded.
  • Downplayed: Dave is a bit pudgy and has his head in the clouds.
  • Justified:
    • As a child, Dave was allowed to eat his fill of fatty and sugary foodstuffs, which was not kind to his concentration or waistline.
    • Dave is from a rich family who overfed him and didn't see education as important.
    • Dave is regularly admonished for his stupidity and/or is himself frustrated by said stupidity. He uses food as a coping mechanism to an unhealthy degree, to the point of significant weight gain.
    • Dave was never able to keep a high-paying or physical job due to his incompetence, so his only options for food are cheap and fattening.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: Dave seems dull, but is really Obfuscating Stupidity — he's actually extremely clever and cultured.
  • Double Subverted: But he's still very clueless, because going on a glorious adventure takes him waaaaay out of his depth.
  • Parodied:
    • Dave starts out as a skinny nerd with a genius intellect, but he gains about 50 pounds (while also losing about 50 IQ points).
    • Even merely wearing a fat suit will go to the wearer's head, and cause him or her to take comical pratfalls every three steps.
  • Zig Zagged: His idiocy is his defining characteristic, but for every time he gives away the team's plan, Dave gets a Dumbass Has a Point moment.
  • Averted: Dave is a Ridiculously Average Guy.
  • Enforced: Someone on staff or in the front office has a longstanding childhood grudge against an overweight person.
  • Lampshaded:
    • "If you can understand this, Dave, stop eating and do exactly as I say. You clearly don’t understand how serious this situation is, so keep your mouth shut. Your input will not be helpful."
    • "Dave, pick a struggle. You are not attractive to get away with being this stupid.
  • Invoked: Because of David's weight and the fact that he doesn't talk much, everyone assumes he's this. Every time he eats, all the other kids make a big deal of it, the same if he makes some sort of mistake. He's actually of fairly average intelligence, but doesn't see much point in correcting anyone.
  • Exploited: The Big Bad separates Dave from his smarter friends and extracts the entire plan from him.
  • Defied:
    • In a moment of lucidity, Dave recognizes how pitiful he really is, and resolves to smarten up and slim down.
    • Dave's parents catch him about to gorge on candy for the first time when he's young, immediately separate him from it, and embark him on a childhood of healthy eating and education.
  • Discussed: "We shouldn't bring the lardass along. It's only a matter of time before he inadvertently blows our cover."
  • Conversed: "You would think writers would have learned that some stereotypes just aren't universally true. There's being overweight, and there's being dumb. They are not identical conditions."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Dave accidentally kills and partially consumes The Leader of his team.
    • Dave is just Too Dumb to Live and is the first casualty of the story.
    • The constant criticism of both Dave's weight and his stupidity destroys Dave's mental health, with food being his only source of happiness. It is a vicious cycle, and his problems are considered to be self-inflicted, so he gets No Sympathy from those who know him.
  • Reconstructed:
    • … and then he blunders into the villain's lair and eats him.
    • Dave's early death inspires The Team to go on so that they won't lose their other beloved idiots.

"We need to return to Fat Idiot, posthaste, unless you trust that guy not to stop for a meal and give everything away."
"Give what away? I was just talking to Emperor Evulz, and he asked... where... you guys were..."
