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Playing With / Fantastic Religious Weirdness

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Basic Trope: The rules of a (usually orthopraxic) religion present new and interesting challenges in a Science Fiction or other Speculative Fiction setting.

  • Straight:
  • Exaggerated: Alice and Bob can't do anything: all the available food on board is forbidden to them, Designer Babies are created in Uterine Replicators, people on board regularly engage in orgies and/or other forms of non-procreative sex (also forbidden to Alice and Bob), and even non-religious programming on TV is forbidden to them. On top of them not having a place to pray and worship.
  • Downplayed: Alice and Bob practice a religion (such as Wicca) that places a heavy emphasis on the changing seasons...but they live near the equator, where seasonal changes are so subtle they tend to go unnoticed by a lot of people.
  • Justified: The church was founded centuries before space travel or the existence of aliens were even ideas.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: Alice and Bob live on a manmade space colony at one of the LaGrange points, that has a stable orbit and magnetic field, and thus a North to orient their church towards.
  • Double Subverted: Something goes awry, and the colony is flung off into space, with no more North to speak of.
  • Parodied: The gospel specifically mentions that all members of the faith must visit Jordan's Old-Fashioned Hot Dog Stand twice a week and order their Cranberry Sauce Delight dog with a side of fries or risk being offered as a Human Sacrifice. Meanwhile, Alice and Bob only have access to a Jordan's Home-Style Hot Dog Stand.
  • Zig Zagged: Some aspects of Alice and Bob's religion are workable, some are not.
  • Averted:
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: "Does your spaceship have a North? We can only pray facing North."
  • Invoked: Earth is no longer habitable thanks to centuries of heavy pollution, so those who are still alive board a spaceship heading to a habitable planet... but thanks to a little thing called The Laws of Physics, the journey is going to take decades, or even centuries.
  • Exploited: The Church of Crystal Dragon Jesus creates its own theocratic space colony, with a means to worship (as they deem) properly.
  • Defied:
    • The Church of Crystal Dragon Jesus changes the rules, or makes a concession for space colonies.
    • The chaplain defines the bow as "North," as it was the top of the ship as it was being launched and North is the topmost part of the Earth.
    • Aerith is allowed to cleanse herself with holy oils rather than bathing in what is, to her, a deadly toxin.
  • Discussed:
    • "Of course you do, Gamma-7. If you scan that Mankind constitutes the Children of God, then logically, Machinekind constitutes the Children of Man, and by extension, the Grandchildren of God. And what parent doesn't want grandkids?"
    • "If you define North as 'where the compass points,' pray facing the radiation screen core. If you define North as 'the topmost place on Earth,' pray facing the bow."
    • "Centrifugal Gravity? Hm, I'd say that North would be roughly analogous to Hubwards."
  • Conversed: ???

All inscriptions of the trope name Fantastic Religious Weirdness must be framed in ivy.
