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Playing With / Expy

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Basic Trope: A character is deliberately made to be a copy of another, preexisting character from another work.

  • Straight: Mark from Legends of the Tropes is heavily based on Bob from Tales of Troperia. Both are Iron clad and heroic knights who have to deal with Barbarian Rivals, who are also Brutes to their respective Big Bads; Mark's rival is Nathan while Bob's rival is Clay, and Mark's Big Bad is Lord Lozum while Bob's Big Bad is Emperor Evulz.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Mark is not even legally distinct from Bob, the only difference the two characters have are different names.
    • Mark quite literally is Bob.
    • Captain Ersatz
  • Downplayed: Mark has multiple traits, both physically and personality wise, shared with Bob and is clearly inspired by Bob, but Mark can stand as his own character with many more traits than just the ones Bob has.
  • Justified: Tales of Troperia is a Show Within a Show, and Mark decided to use Bob as his personal role model, aiming to be like him.
  • Inverted: Mark is supposed to be an antithesis to Bob, which he was a stoic, cold, and brooding hero, but Mark is a Hot-Blooded, hammy, and energetic hero.
  • Subverted: Mark initially seems like he’s a wholesale reference to Bob, but the story establishes very early on that Mark isn’t meant to be a reference to Bob.
  • Double Subverted: ... Until Mark starts acting more and more like Bob, even making references to moments from Tales of Troperia.
  • Parodied: ???
  • Averted: Mark is an original character with nothing in common with Bob from Tales of Troperia.
  • Enforced:
    • “This Bob guy is pretty neat, I bet I can make a character just like him in my story.”
    • Mark was originally planned to be Bob, but negotiations to allow Bob to be in the story fell through and the writers had to come up with a new character.
  • Exploited: Mark is deliberately meant to initially seem like a copy of Bob... in order to take the audience by surprise when Mark turns out to be very different underneath.
