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Playing With / Everyone Is Bi

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Basic Trope: Everyone is bisexual unless stated otherwise.

  • Straight: The Alice and Bob Show stars openly bisexual Alice, her promiscuous boyfriend Bob, Carol, who usually only dates men but makes a exception for Alice, and Ambiguously Bi Dan. The main villain is a Depraved Bisexual.
  • Exaggerated: Literally everyone, including even minor characters and extras, are extreme omnisexuals. There literally isn't such a thing as homosexuality or heterosexuality.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
    • The society is binormative.
    • The entire cast is in dangerous situation, and they are looking for comfort where ever they can find it.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: It would seem that everyone is bi, but then Alice admits thats she's actually a Lipstick Lesbian, who only dates Bob because its considered the norm to be bisexual. It later turns out that a lot of people are closeted heterosexuals or homosexuals who just pretend to be bi as its the social expectation.
  • Double Subverted: However it is still clear that heterosexuals and homosexuals are rare—even taking into account the closeted.
  • Parodied:
    • A bisexual organization is formed—everyone in town shows up.
    • In a Political Overcorrectness society, the only socially acceptable sexual orientations are bisexuality and asexuality. Both straight and gay people are viewed by society as sexist bigots for excluding an entire gender from their dating pool, and are treated with disdain.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice's and Bob's sexuality seems to change every episode.
  • Averted: A reasonably proportionate number of people in The Alice and Bob Show are bisexual.
  • Enforced:
    • The writers could not be bothered to give the cast sexual orientations.
    • The writers want to keep options open for characters hooking up, and making everyone bisexual seems to be the way to go about this.
    • The writers know that fans will ship the characters and want to make any pairing possible.
    • The writers want to appeal to a bisexual demographic.
    • The writers want to educate their audience on the, admittedly pedantic, fact that no one is either 100% hetero or 100% homo.
    • It's a mixed-gender Dating Sim where dating options are applied to all characters in the game regardless of the player's chosen gender.
    • The actress playing Alice is bisexual.
  • Lampshaded: "Dude, are you bisexual?"
    "Well, who isn't around here?"
    "Good point."
  • Invoked:
    • As society and the media got more tolerant of bisexuality and homosexuality, more people became open minded to experimenting with their sexualities and trying out different things.
    • With the Super Breeding Program, people become bisexual to solve the problem of incels and Incompatible Orientation.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: "Am I going to interest in both boys and girls like everyone else? no! I'll rather be Asexual!"
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "Everyone on The Alice and Bob Show is bi—I'm not sure if it's super progressive, or just a side effect of their crazy Love Dodecahedron."
  • Implied: Sexuality and romance isn't explicitly mentioned in the show, but everyone in the cast has several hints that they're Ambiguously Bi.

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