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Playing With / Erotic Dream

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Basic Trope: A character has a sexual dream.

  • Straight: Alice dreams about having sex with Bob.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice dreams about doing all manner of kinky things with Bob.
    • Alice dreams that she sleeps with everyone in the cast.
  • Downplayed: Alice dreams about making out with Bob.
  • Justified: Alice is attracted to Bob.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: Alice's dream begins with her undressing in front of Bob... and then him giving her a physical.
  • Double Subverted: ...but then they have sex later.
  • Parodied: Alice dreams that Bob is throwing himself at her naked but she tells him to just put some clothes on if he's cold.
  • Zigzagged:
  • Averted: Alice has SFW dreams.
  • Enforced:
  • Lamsphaded: "My dreams are getting steamier and steamier!"
  • Invoked: Alice masturbates before bed.
  • Exploited:
  • Defied:
  • Discussed: "What if I start having hot dreams about Bob?"
  • Conversed: "Honestly, Grandma! This movie is PG-rated! This dream sequence is the sexiest part, I swear!"
  • Implied: Alice says lustful things in her sleep.
  • Deconstructed:
  • Reconstructed:
  • Played for Laughs: Alice is in a dormitory with Clara and Diane, who complain about her sleep-talking during her erotic dreams.
  • Played for Drama: Alice has these dreams as part of her angsting over her unrequited love for Bob.
  • Played for Horror: Bob is an incubus who is giving Alice these dreams as part of his feeding on her.

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