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Playing With / Eco-Terrorist

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Basic Trope: A character who commits acts of terrorism under the goal of forcing people to stop doing things that are harmful to the environment.

  • Straight: Ivy Greenberg, a Mad Scientist, combats deforestation by committing acts of arson on land development companies that are known to cut down trees to make room for the buildings they're contracted to construct.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Ivy Greenberg doesn't do anything more severe than sending threats to people and organizations persuading them to be more environmentally conscious.
  • Justified:
    • Ivy Greenberg has been unable to achieve results through non-violent methods and believes that destroying property and harming the people who don't see things her way is the only way she'll be able to get everyone to listen.
    • The people Ivy went after were genuinely terrible people, with their actions causing genuine mass damage to the environment and potentially even other humans, leaving Ivy no choice but to reluctantly retaliate.
  • Inverted:
    • A terrorist who has the goal of forcing everyone to abandon ecologically sound practices.
    • Ecocidal Antagonist
  • Subverted: Ivy Greenberg claims that her statement that Toxic, Inc. will "burn" was just a figure of speech.
    • Ivy Greenberg is presented as an eco-terrorist but is revealed to be framed by a company or the government for protesting against an ecocidal project.
  • Double Subverted: While Ivy had no intention of committing arson, she's still fine with destroying the company using explosives.
  • Parodied: Ivy's favored tactic is to leave a Burning Bag of Poop at the front door of the CEO of the company responsible for harming the environment.
  • Zig Zagged: Ivy Greenberg doesn't always resort to acts of violence and is willing to take a less brutal approach if she is convinced that the present problem can be solved without getting anyone hurt.
  • Averted: Either no terrorists are doing what they're doing to save the planet, or no eco-activists resort to acts of terrorism.
  • Enforced: "Let's have an eco-terrorist as the villain. These stories are far more interesting when the bad guy has motives that aren't exactly wrong and easy for the audience to sympathize with".
  • Lampshaded: "I get it, Ivy. You care about the environment, but is getting people killed over it really going to make a difference?"
  • Invoked: Ivy Greenberg cracks upon discovering that little is being done to combat the environmental damage going on and decides she has no recourse but to take matters into her own hands.
  • Exploited: The Corrupt Corporate Executives use Ivy's terrorist attacks as an excuse to deflect their critics calling them out on their ecocidal practices as also being dangerous maniacs who shouldn't be taken seriously.
  • Defied: Ivy Greenberg doesn't resort to acts of terrorism, considering that going that route would do more harm than good to her cause.
  • Discussed: "I'm totally with Ivy on not polluting the environment and all that jazz, but I strongly disagree with her stance that those not heeding her advice deserve to die for it."
  • Conversed: "Why do characters who care enough about the environment to do something always resort to extremist methods?"
  • Implied: Ivy is mentioned to have served time in prison for her actions against an eco-unfriendly company, stating that what she did was Worth It.
  • Deconstructed: Ivy Greenberg's acts of terrorism deter people from her cause and create the perception that those trying to warn about climate change and overconsumption are lunatics who are out-of-touch with humanity.
  • Reconstructed: More sensible environmentalists are able to make their voices heard without resorting to Ivy's methods and make it clear that she does not represent everyone who wants to prevent destruction of the planet.
  • Played For Drama: Ivy's friends and loved ones end up getting harmed in the crossfire of her eco-terrorist crimes.
  • Played For Horror: Ivy Greenberg's insanity worsens to the point that she causes harm to fellow environmentalists due to seeing them as being just as bad as the polluters and ultimately decides to cause an Earth-Shattering Kaboom to end humanity's damaging of the environment and invoke a Mercy Kill on what undamaged flora and fauna remains.

Return to Eco-Terrorist so we can burn down that factory that won't stop the heinous crime of deforestation!
