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Playing With / Dreadlock Rasta

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  • Basic: Dreadlocks as a sign of rebellion, independence, devotion to religion, or just being free-spirited.

  • Straight: Rebellious, free-spirited hippie Andrew wears his hair in dreadlocks.
  • Justified:
    • In their culture, hairstyles indicate personality. Everyone deemed to dance to the beat of their own drum has to wear dreadlocks.
    • Dreadlocks are a social taboo in Andrew's society, so he wears them to go against the norm.
  • Inverted: All the boring, normal characters have dreadlocks, all the free spirits wear their hair in another style.
  • Subverted: Andrew wears dreadlocks and appears to be a free spirit, but turns out he's exactly like everyone else and only wears them to make people think he's cool.
  • Double Subverted: but really, he's hiding his true personality and he's actually a rebellious hipster.
  • Parodied: Once Andrew begins to show rebellious tendencies, the Great Emperor Bob takes him away- to give him dreadlocks, because it'd be a sin to have a free spirit WITHOUT dreadlocks.
  • Deconstructed: All the free characters realize that their hairstyle is exactly like all the other free characters', and change their hair so they're all different, so now no one wears dreadlocks.
  • Reconstructed: They decorate their hair with feathers and beads, and dye it different colors, so they can all wear dreads and still be unique.
  • Zigzagged: Some of the free spirits wear dreadlocks, others don't. Turns out later on, the ones who wear dreadlocks are the pretenders, while the ones with different hairstyles are the rebels. Then there's a complete personality switch of everyone in the town, so now the rebels are wearing dreadlocks and the pretenders have different styles. The rebels promptly decide to shave all their hair off, which the pretenders do to copy them. Now THAT'S the new big thing, and the rebels go back to dreadlocks- and then the pretenders copy again.
  • Averted: No one wears dreadlocks.
  • Enforced: The producers want to imply that Andrew is a hippie rebel, but they don't want to say it outright. Thus, they give him dreadlocks so the audience will figure it out.
  • Implied: Andrew, who is already established to be a free spirit, walks into a barbershop called Della's Dreads. No one who has gone to Della's earlier in the show has left without dreadlocks.
  • Played for Laughs: Andrew gives a monologue about how awesome his new dreads are. "Dude, I'm cool now, I feel like a whole new guy, and I never have to do my hair anymore, bro! It's cool!"
  • Played for Drama: Andrew is a high schooler, and he is bullied, ridiculed, and beaten up because of his "weird hair".
  • Played for Horror: Andrew is a serial killer/hipster who kills in creative ways, and it's rumored that the last thing you see before he kills you is his dreads.
  • Exaggerated: Every free spirit in the world wears dreadlocks.
  • Lampshaded: "There's Andrew the Hipster, with his dreads and his tiny ukulele."
  • Defied: Cara convinces Andrew that dreadlocks go against his modus operandi as a hipster.
  • Exploited: Cara, noticing that most of the rebels in her town wear dreadlocks, makes them a symbol of her secret society, which is mostly comprised of rebels.
  • Discussed: "What is it with you, thinking anyone with dreads is a hipster? Darius has dreads, and he's a perfectly lovely, normal person!"
  • Conversed: "Andrew is my favorite character. He's so independent and rebellious. And gosh, I love his dreads!"
