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Playing With / Dirty Old Man

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Basic Trope: An elderly man who is sex-crazed and possibly attracted to younger women.

  • Straight: Old Man Johnson is in his mid-50's and often flirts with women young enough to be his daughter.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Mr. Johnson is in his early 60's and okay with dating women in their late 40's and early 50's.
  • Justified:
    • Old Man Johnson has been a pervert his entire life, and he hasn't lost his lust just because he's long in the tooth.
    • Johnson is a charismatic guy even though he's quite old, hence why he's able to still woo girls.
    • Old Man Johnson is a clear case of Values Dissonance, being born at a time when women were less respected.
  • Inverted:
  • Gender Inverted: Dirty Old Woman
  • Subverted: Old Man Johnson spends a lot of time around a voluptuous young woman. She turns out to be his niece and he was only around her all the time because he frequently worries about her well-being.
  • Double Subverted: Shortly after the young woman is revealed to be his niece, Old Man Johnson then starts hitting on his niece's friends.
  • Parodied: Old Man Johnson keeps accidentally getting himself in perverse situations, yet the women are all convinced he's after their pussy.
  • Zig Zagged: It varies whether any elderly men in the setting have sex drives and whether or not they prefer younger women.
  • Averted: There are no elderly characters with sex drives.
  • Enforced: "We want the Abhorrent Admirer to look really unappealing, and nothing says 'she doesn't want this guy at all' more than making him significantly older".
  • Lampshaded: "Ew! Who would've thought that old men could still want sex, especially with women who are much younger than them?"
  • Invoked: Old Man Johnson becomes a widower and decides to court younger women because he doesn't want to outlive his new wife.
  • Exploited: Old Man Johnson gets away with his pervy antics by blaming it on senility.
  • Defied: Old Man Johnson does not go after younger women, knowing that people might see him as a creep.
  • Discussed: "C'mon, Old Man Johnson! Surely there are women your own age you'd like to bone!"
  • Conversed: "I can understand that being elderly doesn't necessarily mean suddenly deciding to be abstinent. What I don't understand is how fiction often depicts such senior citizens as favoring younger people."
  • Implied: Old Man Johnson mentions that he has to register as a sex offender and that many women have issued restraining orders against him.
  • Deconstructed: Old Man Johnson's tendency to advance on younger women comes across as gross and predatory, making people not want to associate with him.
  • Reconstructed: Old Man Johnson learns to be less forward so he can allow women to open up to him by their own accord.
  • Played For Laughs: Old Man Johnson is a Kavorka Man whose age doesn't prevent him from being considered a Sex God among women.
  • Played For Drama: Old Man Johnson is a rapist.
  • Played For Horror: Old Man Johnson is a 200-year-old Tulpa (and looks every year his age), the literal living representation of the concept of the "lecherous old coot", and he is not only unstoppable and borderline omnipresent, he loves to toss a little torture in with his other horrible sexual antics.

Let's get back to Dirty Old Man before he gets slapped with an assload of sexual harassment suits.
