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Playing With / Cuteness Proximity

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Basic Trope: A character undergoes Cuteness Overload when close to a Ridiculously Cute Critter.

  • Straight: Alice encounters a kitty, and squeals in delight.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Action Girl Alice squees at the sight of a kitty, then hugs and squeezes it and calls it George.
    • Alice walks into a room full of kitties and almost shuts down from Cuteness Overload.
    • Being in the mere presence of a cat renders Alice unable to speak anything above Simlish.
  • Downplayed: Alice smiles as a kitty walks by.
  • Justified: Alice is a Kindhearted Cat Lover.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: Alice has a "about-to-squee" face when seeing a kitty, but doesn't squee.
  • Double Subverted: A moment later, she squees.
  • Parodied:
    • Someone just says the word "kitty" and Alice reflexively squees.
    • Emperor Evulz and Alice make a peace treaty when the pair of them squeal upon seeing a box full of kittens.
    • Alice squees over the cute kitty's litter box.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice only squees when certain kitties walk by.
  • Averted: Even with a kitty rubbing on her leg, she does not succumb to it.
  • Enforced: Alice is the Author Avatar of a Kindhearted Cat Lover.
  • Lampshaded: "Okay, Alice, I know you like kitties, but could you please not blow out my eardrums next time?"
  • Invoked: Alice's rival brings a kitty so Alice will let her guard down.
  • Exploited: Alice's rival sees her playing with a kitty and decides to act while her guard is down.
  • Defied:
    • Alice was about to squee when a kitty comes by, but she resists so she can focus on her task.
    • Alice undergoes mental training to keep her from being distracted by kitties.
  • Discussed: "Oh, if Alice could see how cute this kitty is..."
  • Conversed: "What is it with girls and cute animals, anyway?" "Hey, it's not just girls, you know."
  • Deconstructed: Alice's tendency to squee at kitties make some people ridicule/criticize her for being too girly.
  • Reconstructed: Until enough people (girls and boys) demonstrate that it's okay to like cute little kitties.
  • Played For Laughs: Alice has this reaction to a Panthera Awesome, or some other cat or creature that normally wouldn't inspire this reaction.

Back to Cuteness Proximi...Awww, who's a cute troper? You are!
