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Playing With / Cop Hater

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Basic Trope: A person who doesn't like the police.

  • Straight: Bob hates the police and prefers to not get them involved with anything.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob takes his hatred of the cops far enough that he's willing to murder one.
    • Bob also hates firefighters and paramedics.
  • Downplayed:
    • Bob doesn't exactly hate cops, but is annoyed by how many cops are abusing their power to hurt innocent people.
    • Bob doesn't hate all cops, but he spends a fair amount of time making bad cops' lives hell in punishment for their misdeeds.
  • Justified:
    • Bob is a criminal. Obviously, he wouldn't have anything nice to say about the people whose job is to stop him from committing crimes.
    • Bob is a victim of or has a loved one who is a victim of police brutality.
    • Bob has become disillusioned towards police after witnessing cops do horrible things without facing punishment.
    • The cops are corrupt or are criminals themselves.
    • The cops did nothing when Bob or one of his loved ones were a victim of a crime, and Bob can't forgive them.
    • Bob was an ex-cop himself who quit in disgusted protest at his comrades' actions.
  • Inverted: Bob idolizes cops to the point that he turns a blind eye to the corrupt ones.
  • Subverted:
    • Bob gets confrontational towards a cop, but it's clear that he's pissed off at that one cop and not police in general.
    • Bob hates how corrupt the cops are. So he joins the police force in order to act as an Internal Reformist.
  • Double Subverted:
    • Something happens that causes Bob to double down on his resentment towards the police and write off all cops as being corrupt assholes.
    • Bob tries to reform the police force, but all his attempts fail and he resigns after becoming convinced that the police force is rotten to the core and can't be reformed.
  • Parodied:
    • Bob's hatred of cops is treated like a form of bigotry, where he harasses cops by saying things like "Get off the force, pig!"
    • Bob is an edgy teenager who wants to have political beliefs but doesn't really understand them. He hates police on general principle without any justification.
  • Zig Zagged: Bob usually hates cops, but sometimes he comes across police officers that he respects.
  • Averted:
    • No one's opinion on law enforcement comes up.
    • No police show up at all.
  • Enforced:
    • "Let's include a character who hates cops. I think it's important that we address that some cops are abusing their power and that a lot of people don't like that."
    • There has been a recent high-profile case of police brutality, and the producers want their show to address it.
  • Lampshaded: "Why do you hate cops, Bob? Did one of them steal a donut from you?"
  • Invoked: "That copper killed my brother. Know what? Eff the police! From now on, I see every cop as the enemy!"
  • Exploited: Criminals take advantage of Bob's hatred of the police by going on crime sprees while Bob distracts everyone with his soap-boxing on why police are bad.
  • Defied: Bob refuses to be openly confrontational towards police, knowing that law enforcement is a necessary part of society and that provoking the cops into attacking him will only lead to trouble.
  • Discussed: "I always shudder to think what would become of society if Bob became an elected official and decided to disband the police."
  • Conversed: "Yeesh, Bob's out of his gourd. Sure, corrupt cops do exist, but that doesn't mean there are no good cops or that we'd be better off letting thieves, serial killers, rapists and other criminals running free to do whatever heinous shit they want."
  • Implied:
    • Bob scowls at every police officer he encounters.
    • Whenever a crime goes on, Bob vehemently insists that he and his friends not get the cops involved.
  • Deconstructed: Bob's hatred of the police results in him not doing anything when someone falls victim to a violent crime, which causes people to conclude that he is a misanthropic jerk.
  • Reconstructed: Bob is willing to swallow his pride and compromises his dislike of the police by only calling them when it is absolutely necessary.
  • Played For Laughs: Bob gets arrested and yells insults at the cop as he's being handcuffed. The cop just stoically and calmly informs Bob of his right to remain silent.
  • Played For Drama: Bob's anti-cop rhetoric causes riots where people attempt to assault and kill police officers, with the criminals of the city running rampant due to the police being too distracted by the riots to arrest the crooks.

Let's get back to sticking it to the police at Cop Hater
