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Playing With / Clipped-Wing Angel

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Basic Trope: A One-Winged Angel transformation does not help the transformed person, and may actually make them weaker.

  • Straight: Emperor Evulz is defeated by Alice. As a last-ditch attempt to overpower her, he goes One-Winged Angel and...
    • ... grows to a colossal size, providing Alice with a target she couldn't miss with her eyes closed.
    • ... loses his rationality, allowing Alice to easily outwit him.
    • ... gains power, but also an exploitable Weaksauce Weakness that Alice can use to defeat him easily.
    • ... is still completely outmatched by Alice.
  • Exaggerated: Evulz is a Person of Mass Destruction normally, and when he attempts to go One-Winged Angel, he's curbstomped by the Team Pet.
  • Downplayed:
    • Evulz became much more powerful in his new form, but his defense goes from "completely invincible" to "really really tough".
    • Evulz goes through a series of mutations that make his increasingly powerful, until he reaches his height of power and then the mutations become crippling.
    • Evulz's new form is extremely powerful, but debilitating to hold. If he doesn't defeat Alice quickly, he'll be killed by the strain from his own transformation.
  • Justified:
    • The battle with Alice caused Evulz to be unable to properly control the transformation energy, so he wasn't able to complete the transformation correctly and became weaker.
    • The One-Winged Angel form is Awesome, but Impractical for whatever reason. Evulz was desperate enough to gamble on it, but he unfortunately lost.
    • The constant battle has taken its toll on Evulz, and his body simply can't withstand the damage he's already taken, the stress the new transformation puts on him, and the damage Alice is still putting out on him.
  • Inverted: Evulz starts out in a non-humanoid form, and powers up by taking on a more normal-looking form.
  • Subverted: Evulz's One-Winged Angel form looks pathetic, but it's very destructive.
  • Double Subverted:
  • Parodied: Evulz goes One-Winged Angel, and Alice sticks a pin in his side, causing him to deflate like a balloon.
  • Zig Zagged: Certain things about the form are better than the last but others are worse.
  • Averted: Going One-Winged Angel does increase Evulz's fighting skills and doesn't give him any easily exploitable weaknesses.
  • Enforced: "The heroes took too much damage fighting Evulz's normal form. We have to make sure that the One-Winged Angel form is easier to defeat.."
  • Lampshaded: "Wow, and here I was expecting that transformation of yours to give you power. It may look like it has, but it's just made you weak."
  • Invoked:
    • Evulz reverts to a weak form out of desperation so the heroes have mercy for him.
    • The heroes had the weakness to Evulz One-Winged Angel the whole time. All they had to do was goad him into transforming and then victory is guaranteed.
  • Exploited:
    • Alice taunts Evulz into taking on his One-Winged Angel form, since she knows that she can't fight his normal form, but his One-Winged Angel form has weaknesses that she can easily exploit.
    • Evulz maintains his consciousness and state of mind after transforming, but his new form is harmless and physically weak, and he has no way of reverting to normal. Alice spares him, either leaving him to die or letting him contemplate his new life (in which he is now incapable of any meaningful villainy).
  • Defied: Evulz carefully chooses what his One-Winged Angel form will be so as not to leave any obvious weakpoints.
  • Discussed: "Nice One-Winged Angel form. I can think of about five different ways to beat it easily." "I don't think he thought this one all the way through."
  • Conversed: "And now Evulz has become gigantic. What a nice target he's presenting to the heroes."
  • Implied: Evulz mentions that he has a One-Winged Angel form, but also that there's a good reason that he doesn't use it.
  • Played For Drama: Evulz becomes an easy target for Alice's Magic Nuke, but she wipes out innocent lives in the process.

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