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Basic Trope: An episode of a series that consists of fragments of previous episodes.

  • Straight: Domestic Comedy features an episode where Alice and Bob sit on The Couch and reminisce about stuff that happened to them in previous episodes.
  • Exaggerated:
    • An entire season consists of these.
    • The entire episode is assembled out of old clips and voice lines.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
    • The story centers around Alice and Bob's 50th wedding anniversary, and they are reflecting on their relationship (from the Meet Cute to the highlights of their marriage thus far).
    • It's a Recap Episode, meant to catch viewers up on the events of a season or arc.
    • It's a vacation slideshow for their friends that couldn't (or wouldn't) come along.
    • The episode serves as a Grand Finale to Domestic Comedy, highlighting its best moments. Said "best moments" were picked by the fans.
    • Each week, there's a short Recap before the new episode starts.
    • The introspective nature of the episode ends up bringing certain things to light, which may sour certain relationships...
  • Inverted:
    • An episode of Domestic Comedy reveals things about the characters never revealed before...or since.
    • An episode of Domestic Comedy is made mostly from clips of upcoming episodes.
  • Subverted: During their anniversary party, Alice and Bob express their hope for many more years of happiness.
  • Double Subverted: After highlighting some of their best moments, either in a long-winded toast, or an Imagine Spot.
  • Parodied:
    • Remember When You Blew Up a Sun?
    • The second episode of the series is a clip show.
    • The events shown never happened and/or contradict the events that actually happened.
    • One of the events shown had just happened in the same episode.
    • Almost all of the clips are new, having not originated from previous episodes.
  • Zig Zagged: Part of the episode shows clips, between new segments.
  • Averted: Domestic Comedy does not piece together clips of previous episodes.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: "I've put together some clips of our home movies that will show what we've been up to these last few years. Anyone got popcorn?"
  • Invoked: Alice and Bob reach a milestone (such as their 50th wedding anniversary) that they want to share. For example, during the champagne toast.
  • Exploited: Charlie uses the time Alice and Bob spent watching clips to steal their prize jewellery.
  • Defied: Alice and Bob don't want to bore everyone at their party to death, so rather than expounding on every event from the day they met to the present, they just casually mention a few great moments in their speech and let everyone's memory fill in the rest.
  • Discussed: "I can't wait to tell my friends about this adventure tomorrow!"
  • Conversed:

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