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Playing With / Chivalrous Pervert

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Basic Trope: Despite having an active interest and desire for sex, a character is ultimately nothing less than chivalrous in their sexual dealings.

  • Straight: Bob is always ogling women, making lewd comments and flirting with Alice. However, when Alice comes to him during a time of great crisis, he refuses to take advantage of her when she's in a vulnerable state.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Bob has slept with dozens (or even hundreds!) of women (and just as much men) in his adult life. However, every single one of his partners regard him as the absolute epitome of a gentleman and a Nice Guy.
    • Bob is a Dirty Old Man whose nearly every thought is about sex, but when Alice is being attacked he drops that and attacks her attackers, stopping her from being hurt or potentially killed.
  • Downplayed: Bob is certainly perverted, but manages to contain it.
  • Justified:
    • Bob has a very active sex drive, but was taught to always respect women and to treat his partners well.
    • Bob loves women and can't stand to see them hurt. He enjoys the physical relationship immensely but also needs the emotional component.
    • Bob has good people skills and is pleasant to be around, making it more likely women want to have sex with him.
  • Inverted:
    • Bob is The Casanova and a Covert Pervert who puts on an air of restraint to lure in prospective sexual partners, only to discard them coldly and cruelly once he's had his fun.
    • Sour Prude.
  • Subverted:
    • Bob appears to be refusing to take advantage of Alice, but it's all an act to lure her in, and he ends up seducing or even raping her.
    • Bob has the "chivalrous" part down, but the "pervert" part is more of an annoying reputation than a real trait.
    • Bob's chivalry is an act. Once Alice wakes up, he goes into Entitled to Have You mode for not raping her.
  • Doubly Subverted:
    • Bob is very, very tempted to take advantage of Alice, and struggles with his urges, but ultimately his better nature wins out and he refuses to.
    • Of course, by "pervert" we mean "overly kinky". As for the "sex fiend" part, well that's true enough.
  • Parodied:
    • Bob talks the talk all the time, but whenever a woman offers herself to him he turns into a complete prude.
    • It's clear that if Bob gave up the sex-mad pervert act and just went with being a chivalrous gentleman, he'd be a lot more successful with women than he is.
    • Mens' manners are used to judge their sexual appetites. Bob, being the perfect gentleman, gets twenty proposals a day. Charlie, being a Jerkass, is lucky to get one date a year.
  • Zig-Zagged:
    • While Bob has a consistently active libido, whether he would rape women is largely Depending on the Writer.
    • Bob rejects underage Alice's advances, but the characters go back and forth about how chivalrous he is. Some argue that he he seemed a little too tempted for a man his age.
  • Averted:
    • Bob is a lecherous jerk who is willing to hit on and proposition women in crude and demanding ways.
    • Bob does not have a notably high sex drive but is a pretty Nice Guy.
  • Enforced:
    • "I'm a bit worried that Bob always leching over Alice is having a negative effect on the viewers. We'll have to write a scene that shows that he's really a gentleman underneath it all."
    • "We want to make Bob as much of a Lovable Sex Maniac as possible. The fangirls will love it."
    • Bob is played by an actor who because of his looks suffers Draco in Leather Pants when playing a villain, so he was cast in something which allowed him to be naturally flirty and good-natured so his fans can enjoy the character as he is.
  • Lampshaded: "Thanks a lot for saving my ass, Bob! Especially since you won't stop staring at it..."
  • Invoked: Bob intentionally cultivates the impression of a sex-mad Casanova because he got his heart broken once and blames his Nice Guy persona; when push comes to shove, however, it's the nice guy who wins through.
  • Exploited: Bob is chosen to infiltrate a sex trafficking cartel because he can fit in with the pimps without succumbing to temptation.
  • Defied: Bob is up front with his chivalrous nature.
  • Discussed: "Bob might come across as a drooling, sex-mad neanderthal, but he's got Hidden Depths, Alice — you'll see." "I don't care, he's getting sued."
  • Conversed: "Bob drools over every woman he sees. Why is this character suddenly being so polite to Alice?" "The reason is obvious — the show wants to give Bob a redeeming quality so he doesn't seem that bad."
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice seems to be in her time of need, and Bob refuses to take advantage of her, but this is a Batman Gambit by Alice, and she takes advantage of him.
    • In spite of his otherwise upstanding morals, Bob's sexual jokes still ruin his chances because they're towards women who don't want to hear them or made in inappropriate situations.
    • Bob gets accused of sexual harassment in the workplace due to his lewd comments.
    • Bob comes off as wanting a prize for basic decency because even though he won't take advantage of vulnerable women, he's still a sleazy boor who makes women feel uncomfortable.
  • Reconstructed:
    • However, this turns out to be for a good cause. The Big Bad wants Alice for himself, but he only wants her as a virgin. This saves her from the Big Bad and all is well.
    • Bob finds women who also enjoy making sexual jokes, and/or learns the appropriate time and place for the jokes.
    • Bob learns the importance of respecting women's boundaries, being attentive to their needs and desires, and showing genuine interest who they are.
  • Played for Drama: Bob wants to be a good person, but he struggles with hypersexuality that erodes his restraint.
  • Played for Laughs: Bob tries to be this but turns into a nosey prude due to his efforts.
  • Implied: Bob is known to be a pervert. However, he is notably absent from the people who defend Charlie after he sexually harasses a woman.

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