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Playing With / Chick Magnet

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Basic Trope: A character who attracts a lot of attention from the opposite gender.

  • Straight: Many female characters think that Bob is attractive.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Every single woman on the planet, even if she is a lesbian or already in a relationship, thinks that Bob is attractive.
    • Even the Guys Want Him
  • Downplayed: There are two or three women who find Bob attractive, but that's about it.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
  • Gender Inverted:
  • Subverted: Bob is a giant nerd and the only reason why it seems like he is a Chick Magnet is because all those girls need his help with something.
  • Double Subverted: However, they eventually do come to like him for whatever reason — maybe he is a Nice Guy, has some Hidden Depths that make him attractive or because he eventually becomes more attractive.
  • Parodied:
    • Bob is literally an anthropomorphic magnet that attracts women.
    • Bob is said to be a chick magnet, and perverted men hang out with him in the hopes of getting a woman he can't handle ... only to find out to their disappointment that he attracts juvenile birds instead.
  • Zig-Zagged: In some scenes, Bob is surrounded by women and in another, he is completely lonely and complains about not being able to find a date.
  • Averted:
    • Nobody is really attracted to Bob.
  • Enforced: The executives see that Unwanted Harem shows have been getting some pretty good ratings recently and ask the writers to make one of the characters all of a sudden attractive to other girls. They decide Bob would be a good choice, in a "Give Geeks a Chance" way.
  • Lampshaded: "Wow, Bob is such a babe magnet."
  • Invoked: Bob finds out what activities and things the women in his town like and develops (or at least feigns) interests in those activities and things so they'll be attracted to him.
  • Exploited: Bob uses the fact that women find him attractive to influence them, for better or for worse.
  • Defied: For whatever reason, Bob tries his best to avoid attracting women.
  • Discussed: "Bob is a pretty good looking guy, I bet that he must attract women like some sort of magnet."
  • Conversed: "Is this film/show really going to gloss over how these 'admirers' are really just being perverts?"
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob turns out to be a jerkass who exploits his Chick Magnet status to manipulate and hurt innocent women.
    • Alice becomes a Femme Fatale that exploits her Dude Magnet status to hurt and manipulate innocent men.
    • Women like Bob only for his looks, which upsets him and actually lowers his self-esteem.
    • Alice never attracts mature gentlemen. She only attracts the creepy type of men who like her only for her looks (or because she fulfills some other sick fetish they have), which makes Alice resent the attention.
    • Despite his magnetic personality and good looks, Bob is not The Casanova and honestly has no clue how to handle so many women being attracted to him.
    • Bob only has eyes on his One True Love, and so many women trying to get his attention only causes complications between the two.
    • The women in his life are willing to fight over him, sometimes literally. Some resort to nasty methods just to get his attention and, in the most extreme cases, even attempt to Murder the Hypotenuse.
    • Bob attracts the most desirable women, causing all the men in his life to hate his guts.
    • Alice attracts the most desirable men, causing other women to be envious of and hate her for it.
  • Reconstructed: At least one of those women knows Bob personally and likes him for his personality.
  • Played for Laughs: Bob is a Clueless Chick-Magnet ... so clueless, in fact, that he fails to notice even the most suggestive lines about him.
  • Played for Drama: Bob's admirers start fighting over him, and people start getting hurt (or worse). Bob is upset over being the focal point of all the bloodshed.

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