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Playing With / Caustic Critic

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Basic Trope: A critic has a negative attitude in their critique.

  • Straight: Alice has a persona, Alice Reviews, that discusses media abrasively.
  • Exaggerated: Alice Reviews is very loud, foul mouthed, and otherwise over the top over minor flaws, even in great works.
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice's persona is a Deadpan Snarker, but keeps the actual criticism grounded.
    • Alice Reviews can be pretty abrasive, but only towards works Alice actually dislikes.
  • Justified:
    • Alice Reviews focuses on negative works, so of course the end product will be negative.
    • Alice is abrasive in real life, which bleeds into her critical persona.
    • Alice is a genuinely malicious person who realizes that people will gladly allow awful and cruel people to say and do whatever they want so long as it's hidden under the veil of "criticism", and thus deliberately engineered her persona in the most plausible way to hurt as many people that she hates as possible, all the while relying on her horde of equally depraved followers to shield her from criticism. Her success only emboldens her and leaves her absolutely Drunk with Power in the knowledge that she can get away with this.
  • Inverted: Take That, Critics!
  • Subverted: Alice Reviews starts by dragging a work, only to reveal how it's pretty solid at its core halfway through...
  • Double Subverted: ...then doubles down on tearing down the work.
  • Parodied: Alice Reviews gets into a temper tantrum that would make a toddler embarrassed over minor goofs.
  • Zig Zagged: Alice Reviews goes back and forth between Constructive Criticism and plain old nastiness with no real pattern.
  • Averted: Alice Reviews takes a neutral to positive tone.
  • Enforced: "Everyone knows why their favorite works are good, let's find some stuff to shamelessly bash instead."
  • Lampshaded: "This work is the absolute worst thing I've ever seen and deserves nothing but a trip through the incinerator. And yes, I said that still holds for the last thing I reviewed."
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: Director Bob knows his movie is doomed to suck, so he leans into the problems in hopes Alice Reviews at least gives him publicity.
  • Defied:
    • "As much as this work sucks, it deserves a fair examination."
    • Alice's editor threatens her with being fired, blacklisted from critic work on other newspapers and sued for libel with the express purpose of bleeding her bone dry so she won't try to use Patreon-subscribed work if she cannot keep the poison off her pen (fair reviews saying X thing is bad are still okay, just not write an Ayn Rand-novel-length vitriolic diatribe).
  • Discussed: "Oh boy! Can't wait for Alice to tear this work a new one."
  • Conversed: "You ever wonder why critics tend to Accentuate the Negative?"
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice Reviews, being as negative as it is, becomes hard to take seriously.
    • Viewers, not knowing better, falsely believe Alice's caustic persona to apply in real life.
    • Viewers take Alice's Accentuate the Negative opinions at face value and start bashing the works she negatively reviews, accidentally killing entire genres & fandoms along the way.
    • Alice's reviews ends up seriously hurting people's feelings, and her inability and unwillingness to recognize how hurtful her actions are, especially once they start leading into genuine threats and attacks by her horde of rabidly devoted fans, only ends up alienating her from everyone else as being a genuinely terrible person in addition to being a terrible critic.
  • Reconstructed:
    • However, her criticism was never intended to be taken seriously, just Comical Overreacting.
    • For whatever reason, her audience comes to realize Alice is actually pretty nice, and Alice Reviews is not a reflection of her real life personality.
    • Alice makes it plainly clear that her reviews are meant to be comedic only and that most of her 'criticism' is meant to be over-the-top and silly, preventing her from spawning rabid hatedoms on accident.
    • Alice is genuinely horrified at what is happening, and desperately does everything she can to try to tone things down and make things right, clarifying that her reviews are not absolute truths, only her own opinions, and that it doesn't give people the right to attack others if they disagree with her.
  • Played For Laughs: Alice plays the angle of Large Ham, or Comedic Sociopathy.

This page is an utter joke and receives my lowest recommendation. Just go back to Caustic Critic already, that page is infinitely better than this steaming pile of dog turd.
