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Playing With / Burger Fool

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Basic Trope: A fast food place that's bad to work at, especially as a first-time job.

  • Straight: Charlie is a teenager getting his first job at Burger Queen. He ends up hating it.
  • Exaggerated: Charlie and all of his friends have to work at Burger Queen, and they despise it because the boss will kill them if they fail their jobs.
  • Downplayed: Saying that Charlie hates working at Burger Queen is an overstatement, but he doesn't necessarily enjoy it either.
  • Justified: Can be Truth in Television. Jobs at fast food restaurants aren't necessarily sought for, and this can be due to many factors including bad customers and minimum wage payment.
  • Inverted: Happiness in Minimum Wage: Charlie loves working at Burger Queen.
  • Subverted: Charlie doesn't want to work at Burger Queen, because he thinks it's going to be a terrible job, but goes in to find that he actually likes the job.
  • Double Subverted: Until people berate him for not getting a "real" job.
  • Parodied: Working a single hour at Burger Queen is considered a Fate Worse than Death.
  • Zig-Zagged: Sometimes Charlie enjoys the job, but sometimes he doesn't.
  • Averted:
    • There isn't anything notable about working at a fast food restaurant.
    • Nobody works at a fast food restaurant.
  • Enforced:
    • Based on the author's experience of working at fast food places.
    • "We need a place for Charlie to work at, where should it be?" "He's 16, right? Let's have him working at a fast food restaurant."
  • Lampshaded:
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: ???
  • Implied: The conditions at Burger Queen are never shown, but every time Charlie comes home from work, he's visibly drained.
  • Defied: Charlie decides that he will not work at a fast food restaurant as his first job.
  • Discussed: Charlie is shown to grow more and more cynical and angry as he works at Burger Queen.
  • Conversed: "Fiction has always made me nervous to work in the fast food business."
  • Deconstructed: It is steadily revealed that Burger Queen is only terrible precisely because of a complex network of the way society treats people who end up working at menial labor jobs like this:
  • Played for Horror: After being abused one too many times by his Pointy-Haired Boss or obnoxious customers, Charlie completely snaps and shoots up Burger Queen, killing several people.

Back to Burger Fool. Would you like some fries with that?
