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Playing With / Boyish Short Hair

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Basic Trope: Short hair on a girl indicates tomboyishness or an Action Girl.

  • Straight: Alice has short hair and is a Tomboy.
  • Exaggerated: Alice is bald and is a Butch Lesbian!
  • Downplayed:
    • Alice's hair is the shortest among other girls (but still quite long), and is a tomboy.
    • Alice is a tomboy with short hair, but it's in a traditionally feminine style like a bob or pixie cut.
  • Justified:
    • Alice is in the army; the dress code mandates short hair.
    • Alice gets into a lot of fights. Having her Tomboyish Ponytail constantly pulled presented a disadvantage, so she cut it off.
    • Alice wants to stand out from the rest of her Girly Girl classmates who prefer their hair long.
    • Alice wants to be treated as One of the Boys and has her hair short to fit in.
  • Inverted:
    • Alice's long hair indicates her femininity.
    • Alice is a tomboy with long, unkempt Wild Hair.
    • Alice's hair only reaches down to her chin, yet in every other way she's classically feminine.
    • Alice was The Lad-ette when she had long hair and was more masculine than the guys, but after getting a short pixie cut, she became a Princess Classic archetype and the girliest character on the show, despite having shorter hair than any of the boys.
  • Subverted: Alice has short hair, but does things like sewing and cooking fancy dinners.
  • Double Subverted: But sewing is Serious Business for the boys and men and the fanciness in cooking are in professional chefs' level.
  • Parodied: Alice's hair is accidentally cut short and instantly becomes a tomboyish Action Girl.
  • Zig-Zagged: Tomboy Alice cuts her hair short and then lets it grow out long various times throughout the story.
  • Averted: Alice neither has short hair nor is a tomboy.
  • Enforced: Long-haired tomboy Alice decides to cut her hair short to fit her image better.
  • Lampshaded: Someone asks Alice if her having short hair means she's a boy now.
  • Invoked: Alice cuts her usually long hair short and instantly becomes a tomboyish Action Girl.
  • Exploited: Enemies avoid Alice because of her short hair, not wanting to get beaten up.
  • Defied: Alice cuts her usually long hair short, but she is careful not to become a tomboyish Action Girl.
  • Discussed: "Wow, you kinda look like a boy, because of your short hair."
  • Conversed: "Alice is a tomboy, if she doesn't have short hair now, then she will soon."
  • Deconstructed: Alice is a nice person, but her haircut makes people assume she's a Butch Lesbian Jerk Jock.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Alice doesn't mind being seen as mean. The people she actually likes can see past her haircut, and it intimidates people she doesn't like.
    • Alice smiles a lot to assure people she's not a mean person.
  • Implied: Alice is The Ghost, but someone who met her offscreen mistook her for a man.
  • Played For Laughs: It's a Running Gag for Alice to be mistaken for a man for having short hair and acting in a masculine way.
  • Played For Drama: Alice's school requires her to keep her hair long or wear a wig, which frustrates Alice as she's not allowed to express herself.

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