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Playing With / Bolt of Divine Retribution

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Basic Trope: A deity gets angry and punishes the infractor with a lighting bolt (or other thing).

  • Straight: Bob laughs on Zeus. He punishes him with a thunder in the face.
  • Exaggerated: Zeus destroys Troperia because Bob (a Troperian) taunted him.
  • Downplayed:
    • Zeus arsons Bob's vegetables farm with a bolt because Bob taunted him.
    • Zeus lets off Bob with a painful but otherwise harmless shock as a warning.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
    • Bob is a good worshipper, so Zeus rewards him by using a lightning bolt to power his house during an outage.
    • Bob is a wizard, but still mortal. However, when the gods enrage him, he fries them with a lightning bolt.
  • Subverted:
    • Bob does a joke about Zeus and immediately the sky gets clouded. But Zeus admitts the joke was funny and doesn't attack Bob.
    • Bob is immune to lightning and Zeus can do nothing to stop his insults.
  • Double-Subverted:
    • But the joke offended God and He burns Bob with a lighting bolt that is 999 centillions stronger than Zeus's.
    • Then Zeus decides to strike lightning on that pocket of volcanic lava right beneath Bob’s feet or calls in a favor with Apollo and shows Bob one of those sci-fi movies about Earth-incinerating solar flares starring his soon-to-be-roasted butt.
  • Zigzagged: Deities sometimes use bolts to punish, another times they use fire or another element.
  • Parodied: Zeus, Indra and Thor taunt God. God kills them with a bolts storm.
  • Invoked: Bob, knowing Emperor Evulz is immortal, tempts him to taunt God. Evulz falls into the trap, and God kills him with a bolt.
  • Exploited: Bob does Invoked against all villains.
  • Defied:
  • Averted:
    • Deities don't use bolts.
    • Deities don't punish humans.
    • There are no deities.
  • Played for Laughs: Bolts never kill their victims. So nobody gives importance to the fact that Zeus is always burning people with bolts..
Get back to Bolt of Divine Retribution or Zeus is going to arson your vegetables.
