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Playing With / Black Magician Girl

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Basic Trope: An Action Girl with a forceful personality who uses offensive magic.

  • Straight: Marcy is a Tsundereish Hot Witch who fights with fire and is contrasted with healer Melody.
  • Exaggerated: Marcy is a Dark Action Girl who fights by blowing things up with her mind. Cackling gleefully the whole time.
  • Downplayed: Marcy is a literal Ice Queen (who does not suffer "fools" lightly) and can use her powers constructively (such as by building temporary bridges or cover), but prefers to fight with them.
  • Justified: Personality Powers are a rule of the universe.
  • Inverted:
  • Gender-Inverted: Alex is a Hot-Blooded guy who fights with fire.
  • Subverted: You'd think with Marcy's personality and looks she'd be the attack mage, but she's a Barrier Warrior instead.
  • Double Subverted:
  • Parodied: Marcy attacks with her Magic Wand. By hitting people with it, that is.
  • Zig Zagged: Marcy has mood swings. Sometimes, she is sweet and friendly, other times, she is rather rude.
  • Averted:
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded:
    • "What, do I look like the healing type to you?"
    • "Oh, come on, when have I been irrationally violent? I mean, within the last... um... Half an hour?"
  • Invoked: Marcy exists in a world populated with Personality Powers and intentionally cultivates her forceful personality to gain access to her superior firepower
  • Exploited: The Leader of the group especifically looks for a short and Hot-Blooded mage because that will mean she is the better suited for The Big Guy role.
  • Defied:
    • Marcy is an Actual Pacifist and refuses to learn magic meant to hurt people.
    • Otherwise, Romaji is ordered by the no-nonsense Hiro to choke her to near unconsciousness to let her know that this team isn't for fucking around.
    Hiro: Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk... Day one and already starting shit? Not a good impression.
    Marcy: Ack! I... I get it!
    Hiro: Good. Don't you dare do it ever again. Romaji, put her down.
  • Discussed:
    • "Ah — she blew up the dragon. Don't get on her bad side, boys."
    • Romaji is seen being more aloof and cold around her, seemingly despising her. This conversation comes into play:
    Lance: Romaji? You uh... Alright?
    Romaji: ...
    Lance: Shit, he's always been like this ever since we got Marcy on board.
    Hiro: Ah, don't worry. Romaji's definitely gonna warm up to her. Right Romaji?
  • Conversed: "Holy crap, did she just turn Evulz into a toad?" "Yup."
  • Implied: Marcy is a side character who is not shown fighting, but she recalls a Noodle Incident where she blew a dragon up.
  • Deconstructed: Marcy can destroy towns with little effort, and she has an extremely short temper. She leaves a wake of ruin wherever she goes, and no one has the nuts to call her out. Then, after a particularly bad outburst, she's out of energy when the army of Emperor Evulz attacks.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Marcy is extremely destructive and short tempered, but her friends are always there to remind her to save her powers for the real bad guys.
    • See Defied 2.
  • Played For Laughs: A couple of Mooks learn the hard way that it'd be a bad idea to attack Marcy.
  • Played For Drama: Marcy is a Glass Cannon due to her abilities, which puts her in a lot of danger if she's left vulnerable in combat.
  • Plot Foundation: Marcy using Personality Powers makes her a much easier character to comprehend, since she uses a visual metaphor every time her magic comes into play.

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