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Playing With / Big Applesauce

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Basic Trope: Nothing interesting happens outside of New York City.

  • Straight: Bob only travels in the Five Boroughs of New York City.
  • Exaggerated: Bob only walks around Fulton Street, Manhattan.
  • Downplayed: Bob spends most of his time in NYC, but goes to rural Long Island on occasion.
  • Justified: Bob is a detective in the NYPD, the main character in a Police Procedural, whose job is to solve crimes within the jurisdiction of the city (and quite probably specifically his precinct).
  • Inverted: Bob travels everywhere in America EXCEPT New York.
  • Subverted: The show starts out with a map of New York, then zooms in… to Poughkeepsie, where Bob lives.
  • Double Subverted: He takes the Taconic Parkway to his job in The Bronx, where the real action happens.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig Zagged: Bob tells the tale of his job has a FBI agent. When asked where he's from, he says New York. He's from Poughkeepsie. However, he says he drives to New York every time he has a shift. He is stationed in Yonkers. However, he only gets called to streets in the Bronx
  • Averted: From the start, it is stated that Bob lives and works at his interesting job in Poughkeepsie, and the farthest he goes in the series is still within that city.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: On a freeway, Bob sees a sign for "To New York City". Alice says, "Okay, take the ramp to the only damn place in this state where things happen."
  • Invoked: Bob avoids the airports and highways out of New York because he believes something will be interesting in New York.
  • Exploited: Alice the Intrepid Reporter moves to New York because there's a good chance of something big happening there for her to make her big break.
  • Defied: Bob, in an effort not to be trapped in New York, becomes a storm chaser and moves to Kansas.
  • Discussed: "I'm so glad I moved to New York. It seems like every corner is another interesting landmark."
  • Conversed: "Man, another show about New York? You're obsessed with shows about New York, huh?" "No, but the writers are."
  • Deconstructed:
    • With everything interesting happening in New York, people are swarming into the city, and overpopulation becomes a problem.
    • Alternately: Everyone gets out of there because of the danger, causing the economy to collapse and New York to become a ghost town.
  • Reconstructed: The overpopulation or weak economy is the conflict of the week.
  • Played for Laughs: Bob just moved to New York, but he treats it as if he's lived there for a long time.
  • Played for Drama: Aliens arrive on Earth for the first time, and they start with New York, since they know from TV that it's one of the most interesting places on Earth.
  • Plotted A Good Waste: The focus on New York is foreshadowing that Bob does not live in the real United States, but a fake.

That was typed in the Big Applesauce!
