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Playing With / Beautiful Singing Voice

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Basic Trope: A character is noted in-universe to be a beautiful singer.

  • Straight: Princess Keisha has a beautiful singing voice to complete her Princess Classic image. Her melodious tongue causes animals to flock to her.
  • Exaggerated: Princess Keisha is an enchantress whose voice brainwashes anyone into obeying her commands. She uses it all the time to weasel her way out of trouble, even when it's not necessary.
  • Downplayed: Princess Keisha's voice attracts the attention of a wandering prince, but that's about it.
    • Although Princess Keisha has a gorgeous voice, she is most noted for her talent in paiting, embroidery, or dancing.
  • Justified: What else would you expect from a princess? Maybe an enchantress gave her that voice upon birth. Or maybe she's a mermaid.
  • Inverted: Keisha has an ugly singing voice.
  • Subverted: Keisha wasn't really singing, only lip-synching. It was her maid Carol who attracted Prince Jerome's attention.
  • Double-Subverted: The same enchantress above is a bit of a dork and mixed up their voices. Meaning that Carol has Keisha's singing voice and is singing while Keisha mouths the words so as to hide this mistake.
    • Until Keisha actually sings for herself, and her voice is just as beautiful, if not more so, as Carol's is.
  • Zig-Zagged: At first it seems like Keisha has a beautiful voice, but really it is her maid Carol singing for her. But an enchantress switched their voices around and it's really Keisha's voice...but Keisha still can't sing. Carol can sing with and without Keisha's voice because it's not about the voice itself, it's about training your vocal chords.
  • Parodied:
    • Keisha's voice is so beautiful that it attracts all sorts of animals...including pelicans, crocodiles, sharks, warthogs, and Tasmanian devils. She uses these animals to stage a stampede and defeat Emperor Evulz.
    • Keisha may have beautiful singing voice, but she herself... isn't.
  • Averted: Keisha doesn't sing. She plays the harp.
  • Lampshaded: "Wow, Keisha has a really beautiful singing voice! I wish I could sing like her!"
  • Invoked: Keisha has always wanted to be a singer, and asks the Queen for private lessons so as to train her singing voice to the best of her ability. Her mother obliges.
  • Enforced: Keisha gets the role of the princess in the school play precisely because of her voice, which is elegant and melodious, the perfect voice fit for a princess.
    • Alternatively, Keisha is The Cast Showoff and insists on her character doing a lot of singing, since she is the princess and all.
  • Discussed: "Why is Keisha's voice so pretty?" "I know right? I'm kinda jealous.'''
  • Conversed: "I love how the princesses in these types of movies always have melodious singing voices." "Of course they do! It's part of the wish-fulfillment fantasy. And besides, how else is the prince going to know it's her?"
  • Exploited: When Keisha is kidnapped, she uses her singing to hypnotize her guards into following her to her whereabouts and finding her.
  • Deconstructed: Keisha has plenty of suitors fighting for her hand due to her beautiful singing voice, but she knows they're only in it for her singing voice and aren't actually into her romantically. This leaves her depressed and feeling like nobody will ever love her.
  • Reconstructed: Keisha finds a prince/princess who genuinely loves her for her, not her voice, and decides not to sing to her love until after they are wed.
  • Played for Laughs: Keisha can't even sing quietly to herself while combing her hair without crowds of people rampaging the castle in an effort to hear her sing. She is reasonably rather upset about this.
  • Played for Drama: Everyone tells Keisha that she should be a professional singer based on the sound of her voice. Problem is...Keisha doesn't want to be a singer. She is too preoccupied with running the country to concern herself with such things. She only likes singing as a hobby, nothing more, nothing less. Nonetheless, everyone keeps giving her flak about it, telling her she's "wasting her voice" for not putting it to the use they want her to, and doing her own thing with it instead.
  • Played for Horror: Keisha happens to catch the eye (or ear) of a jealous witch who longs for Keisha's singing voice. So, she kidnaps Keisha, cuts out her tongue, and uses it in a brew that she can drink to mimic Keisha's singing ability. Once she does so, she becomes beloved by all, and kills Keisha brutally once the whole ordeal is done, now that she has no more use for her.

That is quite a lovely voice you've got there, Your Highness.
