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Playing With / Badass Crew

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Basic Trope: Every single member of the team is a badass.

  • Straight: The crew is composed of elite soldiers, each one of them alone could take an army in a fight.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Logical Extreme: Each member of the team possesses superhuman abilities or powers, making them virtually unstoppable.
  • Downplayed: The crew are all implied to be exceptionally good at their jobs, but nobody makes a big fuzz about it.
  • Justified: The team was hand-picked to have only members that were the absolute best at what they were doing.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: The elite team the hero is provided with turns out to have very easily exploitable weaknesses, and are immediately dispatched.
  • Double Subverted: But they come back in the end and all have their badass moment.
  • Parodied: They are all badasses... but they're also really old.
  • Zig Zagged: The leader keeps one or two members of the crew for mundane tasks, or as a deliberate normal to avoid predictability. However, they turn out to be Badass Normals or get an upgrade later in the show.
  • Averted: Not everyone on the team is a badass.
  • Enforced: We need to sell more action figures! Make them ALL badass!
  • Lampshaded: "And the clerk?" "World champion in martial origami."
  • Invoked: "We need the best of the best of the best."
  • Exploited: The team members strategically use their reputation as badasses to intimidate their enemies and gain an advantage in negotiations or conflicts.
  • Defied: The leader of the team actively rejects the idea of assembling a group of badasses, believing that a diverse set of skills and personalities is more valuable than a team solely composed of badasses. They intentionally seek out members who may not fit the traditional badass archetype but possess unique talents that complement each other.
  • Discussed: "What, did you think I would pick the second-best for my crew?"
  • Conversed: "This team would never work in real life. They are all way too competitive about being the biggest badass to ever work together."
  • Played for Laughs: Despite their reputation as badasses, the team members often find themselves in comedic situations where their skills fail them or are exaggerated for comedic effect.
  • Played for Drama: The team members' badass qualities are showcased in intense and dramatic action sequences, highlighting their courage and skill.
  • Played for Horror: The team's badass abilities are used to instill fear and create a sense of dread, emphasizing their formidable and dangerous nature.
  • Implied: The team's reputation as badasses is established through rumors and stories told by other characters.
  • Deconstructed: The team's badass status is explored in-depth, examining the toll it takes on their personal lives and relationships, as well as the consequences of their actions.
  • Reconstructed: After being deconstructed, the team's badass qualities are reassembled in a way that acknowledges the challenges they face but also emphasizes their effectiveness and importance in achieving their goals.

Back to Badass Crew... if you think you're good enough.
