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Playing With / As Long as It Sounds Foreign

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Basic Trope: Gibberish that resembles a foreign language.

  • Straight: In The Amazing Adventures of Alice and Bob, the characters speak what is stated to be French, but it's a just a bunch of gibberish sounds that only vaguely sound French.
  • Exaggerated:
    • The show tries to pass off random gibberish as French.
    • The show tries to pass off animal noises as French.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified: Alice only pretends to speak French to impress Bob. Bob is too stupid to tell the difference.
  • Inverted: A form of Bilingual Bonus where the characters speak actual French, but for some reason the show presents it as gibberish.
  • Subverted: Alice and Bob do not speak French and mistake Francois' drunken gibberish for actual French.
  • Double Subverted: Louis is perfectly sober, yet his French is just as incoherent.
  • Parodied: The "French" is English with Just a Stupid Accent and a few random "le"s thrown in. None of the English-speaking characters understands it.
  • Zig-Zagged: The language strangely shifts through real and fake French.
  • Averted:
  • Enforced:
    • The show's producer couldn't get any native speakers, and the executives figured out that the target audience wouldn't tell the difference anyway.
    • The show is intended for a bilingual audience that would find the gibberish amusing rather than insulting.
    • The use of pseudo-French, pseudo-German and so on is to maintain for multilingual viewers the alone in a crowd feeling Alice and Bob have.
    • The gibberish represents barely audible, muffled French.
  • Lampshaded: "Uh ... is that real French?" "Non, mon chapadelleise!"
  • Invoked: Alice the spy's cover story is that she is a foreign exchange student from a small country no one's heard of... because it doesn't exist.
  • Exploited: The French-flavoured gibberish is used in-universe as a secret code language.
  • Deconstructed: It ends up offending people who actually speak French.
  • Defied: The French characters tell Alice that she needs to improve both her excuses and her French.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "That nonsense doesn't sound like French to me. Could they really not afford a translator?"

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