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Playing With / Angrish

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Basic Trope: Character has a fit of anger and loses the ability to speak coherently.

  • Straight: Bob gets really angry for whatever reason. When Charlie asks him what happened, Bob only shouts nonsense words as an answer.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Every time Bob gets just a bit irked, he loses all ability to say a normal word.
    • Bob loses so much of his rational thinking when angry that he cannot communicate at all — talking, writing (by hand or through a machine) and even telepathy is just a jumble of swears and letters.
  • Downplayed: Bob, being angry, tries to explain to Charlie what happened, but constantly mumbles and growls amidst the sentence.
  • Justified:
    • Whatever made Bob angry surprised him so much he could not even gather his own thoughts.
    • Bob tends to stutter, especially when provoked with some strong feeling.
    • Bob is seriously drunk and does not even understand what he's saying.
    • Bob is a foreigner; Charlie does not understand Bob because the shock from anger forced him to switch to his native tongue and to spout foreign curses.
    • Bob is angry because he accidentally downed a very hot drink (or ate some Blazing Inferno Hellfire Sauce) and it burned his tongue and mouth so badly he lost his ability to speak.
    • Bob is with Alice, and doesn't want to spout swearwords in front of her, so his attempts to contain his speech results in random noises.
    • Bob's parents taught him as a child not to swear in a fit of anger. This was the next best thing.
    • Bob is next to a group of children and doesn't want them to learn swear words.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: Bob, famous for his Hair-Trigger Temper and his anger-fueled speech impediments, actually manages to explain Charlie what exactly made him so angry.
  • Double Subverted: During his explanation, he starts confusing words and subsequently spurs down to incoherent growls.
  • Parodied: Every single unwanted thing can turn Bob's speech into Black Speech.
  • Zig-Zagged: Bob messes up some words, but manages to switch back to normal speech, only to mess up again.
  • Enforced:
    • Bob is in a kids' show, and this episode teaches viewers to control their anger.
    • Bob is supposed to express anger, but having him release a whole bunch of swear words wouldn't be allowed for the show, so this is an appropriate substitute for swearing.
  • Averted: Bob can speak normally even when angry.
  • Lampshaded: "Oh, please, Bob, calm down, I can't understand you!"
  • Invoked: Growling Bob did not get his nickname for nothing.
  • Exploited: Dennis does not want Bob to tell Alice some unnecessary information, so he purposely provokes Bob into angry barks right at the needed moment.
  • Defied: "You...! Wait...! Now, listen! I'm not talking rubbish this time!"
  • Discussed:
    • Alice and Charlie observe Bob screaming nonsense: "Not that again... No one would ever help him if he keeps talking like this."
    • "That reminds me, you know... Remember what did you say that time when I broke your Priceless Ming Vase? Me neither."
  • Conversed: "I pity the poor sap who had to try deciphering this nonsense for the subtitles of the show."
  • Implied: "Bob, please, try to listen to me now. I cannot help you if you keep barking like that time."
  • Deconstructed: Bob's angry reactions and nickname of Growling Bob makes people think he's a madman, and they try to avoid him.
  • Reconstructed:
    • When Bob gets some public recognition for a heroic deed, Alice takes the moment to explain to the same people that Bob's not actually a psycho, just can't control his tongue in anger.
    • Bob can't speak coherently when angry, but he can write or type no matter his mood (provided the pen or keyboard doesn't break in his fingers).
  • Played for Laughs: Bob starts his usual rambling routine every day, after an alarm clock wakes him up.
  • Played for Drama: When Bob tries to explain to his boss what happened, he can't even mention the incident in question without his tongue going gaga. His boss finally gets tired and refuses to listen to his explanations, and Bob's paycheck is reduced.
  • Played for Horror:
    • Bob undergoes brain injuries early in the story that leave him in a state of Unstoppable Rage and inability to say a word (and the plot leaves it as a chicken-or-egg question of if the rage is solely to blame for the speech disorder).
    • Bob snaps and goes on a killing spree, with his most articulate word being a Nicolas Cage-esque screech of "Diiiieeee!"
    • Bob's "funny weird way of talking" when he is angry is Black Speech, and he is yelling at the people he loathes curses that will kill them and orders to demons he has made deals with that he wants said annoying people dead by yesterday.

That artiblargh rrrgh fullverssrrah nggh backtodatFUUUUAAAAAUUUGH HERE!!!
