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Playing With / Alternate Identity Amnesia

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Basic Trope: Someone is unable to remember what they did while in another form.

  • Straight: Luna the werewolf is unable to remember what she did when she was in wolf form — all she knows is that she woke up in the wolf exhibit at a zoo the next morning.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Luna doesn't remember anything that has to do with being a werewolf, and isn't even aware she is one.
    • Luna is fully sentient in wolf form, but she still doesn't remember what happened.
  • Downplayed: Luna can remember some small details or the basic feeling of what it was like to be a werewolf, but doesn't remember many explicit details.
  • Justified:
    • Luna is non-sentient in werewolf form, so it's possible that she may not have the mental capacity to understand what happened.
    • In this setting, becoming a werewolf causes one to "black out", as if one were drunk.
  • Inverted:
    • Luna can only remember what happens to her as a werewolf.
    • Luna remembers the full details of being a werewolf very clearly.
  • Subverted: Although Luna appears unable to remember what she did while being a werewolf, it turns out that she was claiming to not know because she wanted to appear innocent.
  • Double Subverted: However, even though Luna was trying to appear innocent, it turns out that she honestly can't remember what happened.
  • Parodied: A shapeshifting character commonly forgets everything about who they are every single time they shapeshift.
  • Zig-Zagged: Sometimes Luna remembers what happens to her as a werewolf, and sometimes she doesn't.
  • Averted:
    • Nobody ever has any change in forms.
    • Luna can remember what happens in werewolf form.
  • Enforced: "We didn't show the entirety of what happened to Luna as a wolf onscreen, maybe her asking someone else what happened to her last night would be a good way to recap."
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Invoked:
    • The curse on Luna causes her to forget what happened to her in werewolf form.
    • Someone erases Luna's memory shortly before she goes back to normal.
  • Exploited: Someone tries to manipulate Luna in wolf form, knowing she won't remember what happened.
  • Defied: Luna wears a body cam and keeps a journal of her exploits as a werewolf to help her human form remember what happened.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "Why do characters never remember what happened when they were in alternate forms?"
  • Implied: Luna is never seen mentioning what happened to her in werewolf form and seems confused when people ask, but it's unclear if she just doesn't remember or if it's for another reason altogether.
  • Played for Laughs: Luna wakes up the morning after she became a werewolf and asks "What Did I Do Last Night?", in a situation where it certainly looks like she's just suffering a bad hangover.
  • Played for Drama: Luna finds out that she did something horrible in wolf form (such as nearly or actually killing/injuring someone), and wonders My God, What Have I Done?

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