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Playing With / Alternate-History Nazi Victory

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Basic Trope: An Alternate History where the Nazis [and Japanese (or in extremely rare cases, even Italy)] won World War II.

  • Straight: World War 2 ended in a Nazi victory, and Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan now rules most of Europe and Asia respectively.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Even countries that were neutral/never-fought during the war such as Switzerland are ruled by Germany and Japan.
    • The Allies collapsed at the end of 1945, so the Nazis and Japanese literally rule the world.
    • After World War 2, the Nazis conquered the entire galaxy.
    • Even Fascist Italy manages to get their slice of their cake well before Mussolini was ever taken out of power.
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified:
    • Different events in Hitler's early life led to him becoming much smarter and more competent.
    • Nazi Germany managed to get one of the major Allied powers on its side, evening the playing field.
    • Adolf Hitler was assassinated just before or early in World War II, being replaced by someone in his inner circle who is far more competent.
  • Inverted:
    • The Allies won World War 2, and it's presented as an alternate history.
    • An Alternate History setting where Hitler dies in WWI, and thus Nazi Germany never exists to begin with.
    • Alternatively, it's an Alternate History - Soviet Victory; the Soviets won the Cold War.
    • Even alternatively, it's an Alternate History - Japanese Victory; Imperial Japan wins World War 2 AND the Cold War.
    • Even more alternatively, it's an Alternate History - Italian Victory; the Italians won both World War 2 AND the Cold War.
  • Subverted: Neo-Nazi time travelers come to Nazi Germany with futuristic technology, and the viewer thinks that the Nazis are about to win the war. The Nazis, however, don't believe the time travelers, so they throw the technology away.
  • Double Subverted: Hitler orders them to salvage the technology and use it. The Nazis win.
  • Parodied:
    • The Nazi victory somehow leads to every single person in the world becoming an over-the-top caricature of a Nazi, who can only travel by goose-stepping, driving a Panzer, or flying a Stuka, and burns every single book they see except for Mein Kampf.
    • The Japanese victory leads to everyone becoming a Weeaboo.
    • The Italian victory turns everyone into pizza-loving, over-the-top stereotypes of Italians.
    • Somehow, one of the minor Axis members such as Bulgaria or Hungary managed to win World War II and Take Over the World, much to the incredulity of Bob when he comes back to the present after screwing up the past.
  • Zig Zagged: Nazi Germany doesn't win but they also don't lose World War II. When subsequent wars break out, Germany will occasionally make gains that are either expanded upon or lost in subsequent wars.
  • Averted:
  • Enforced: "The Nazis have name-recognition. Let's have our alternate history series have them win the war."
  • Lampshaded: "Things sure haven't been so great since the war..."
  • Invoked: Neo-Nazi time travelers from the future went back in time to World War 2 and brought futuristic technology along with them to give to the Nazis, hoping that they would use it to win the war.
  • Exploited: A British fascist politician (such as Oswald Mosley) uses the Nazi conquest of the UK to secure himself a comfortable, high-ranking position in the puppet government.
  • Defied: The Alien Space Bats of the setting make very damn sure the Axis powers don't win the war, even if they have to go real crazy with the collateral damage.
  • Discussed: "Wait, did we win the war? Because I'm seeing an awful lot of Nazi flags hanging from the buildings."
  • Conversed: "Why do they always go with making the Nazis win World War 2? Isn't that a bit overdone?"
  • Implied: Europe is described as being extremely anti-Semitic and authoritarian, and dominated entirely by one country, but it's never stated how it ended up like that.
  • Deconstructed: Even after the Nazi victory, Germany's internal issues, and its rivalry with Imperial Japan, led to a revolution that overthrew the Nazi regime.
  • Reconstructed: After finding out about this, the neo-Nazi time travelers go back in time again to prevent that as well.
  • Played For Laughs: Even doing the most minute thing, such as stepping on a butterfly in 1910s Berlin, ends up altering the timeline in such a way that the Axis wins. The responsible (and Too Dumb to Live) time travelers' attempts to Set Right What Once Went Wrong throughout the story all end in hilariously disastrous ways.
  • Played For Drama: Bob, a Jewish man, travels back to the 1920s and accidentally changes the timeline in such a way that it leads to a Nazi victory. This leads to him returning back to a society where everyone wants him dead and he is seemingly the Last of His Kind.
  • Played For Horror: The crimes of the Axis powers are explicitly shown to be continued in this timeline, and the results aren't pretty.

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