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Playing With / Alleged Lookalikes

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Basic Trope: Two characters who are noted for their physical similarities do not actually look alike.

  • Straight: Alice and Claire are fraternal twins who often get mistaken for the other, even though they have different heights, hair styles and eye shapes.
  • Exaggerated: Alice is a pale, slender, 5'0" blonde woman with a soprano voice. Her twin brother, Charles, is a tanned, hulking man-mountain with black hair and beard, and has a deep bass. People still gets them mixed up, and the pair is somehow able to pull numerous Twin Switch pranks despite having virtually no similarities with each other.
  • Downplayed:
    • Many people claim that best friends Alice and Diane look similar enough to pass as sisters (but not to the point that one would be mistaken for the other), even though the only similarity between them is their hair colour, and they are not even in the same shade.
    • Despite Alice not resembling her mother Claire, people act as if age is the only thing to distinguish the two.
  • Justified:
    • Alice and Claire were identical when they are younger, and though they have developed notable difference with age, people can't seem to remember which one had grown out their hair, and who had outgrown the other.
    • Alice and Claire's apparent differences are actually Identical Twin ID Tag, which the pair switch around constantly.
    • The people who confuse Alice for Claire have Prosopagnosia. They only assume that Alice and Claire look identical because they introduce themselves as twins.
    • Alice and Claire are Troperians, who cannot perceive the reds we humans use to differentiate them.
  • Inverted: Alice and Claire are fraternal twins, and people constantly remark about how "unlike twins" they are, despite the fact that their faces are drawn in the exact same way.
  • Subverted: Alice and Claire have some superficial similarities, and they do quite look somewhat alike at a glance. After getting to know them better, people start realise that they don't actually look like each other.
  • Double Subverted: Only the most observant people can spot the (actually very obvious) differences. Most of Alice and Claire's classmates still can't tell the two apart, even after seeing them almost everyday for years.
  • Parodied: Alice and Claire are not twins/siblings—they're not even of the same species, but it doesn't stop people from treating them as Identical Strangers. Even when they're wearing name tags. Apparently this is because they wear the same type of glasses, and their glasses is all that people see.
  • Zig Zagged: Sometimes people can correctly tell Alice and Claire apart, sometimes they can't.
  • Averted:
    • Alice and Claire are not regarded as lookalikes.
    • Alternatively, Alice and Claire are identical twins who actually do look identical.
  • Enforced:
    • Alice and Claire's supposed similarities is an important plot point, but the creators don't want the audience to confuse the two, so Alice and Claire's appearances are deliberately made to look distinct.
    • The casting had an Ability over Appearance policy, and the actresses who best fit the two characters happen to look very dissimilar to one another.
  • Lampshaded: "Uncle Bob mistook me as you again. Do we look that similar to one another?"
  • Invoked: Alice and Claire are Trickster Twins who enjoys pulling Twin Switch pranks. Their family and friends pretend to fall for it to humour them.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: ???
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: "Are the people in this show blind? Alice and Claire look nothing like each other!"

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