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Playing With / All Drummers Are Animals

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Basic Trope: A band's drummer is best remembered for his wild stage antics, aggressive drumming style, and/or engaging in drum solos.

  • Straight: Drummer Darrell of The Tropers is known for his long drum solos, and turning his sticks around so he can hit harder.
  • Exaggerated: He's also known for regularly engaging in street fights with urchins who try to rob him off-stage, and for using fans' heads for drums if they happen to make their way onto the stage.
  • Downplayed:
    • Darrell is a very aggressive drummer, but not much more.
    • He's Dumb and Drummer; still "brutish", but without the "animal attitude".
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
    • Darrell is the Only Sane Man when compared to everyone else's stage persona.
    • Lead Drummer
    • Darrell is the Consummate Professional; In contrast to the more vicious and rockstar heavy clothing the others wear, he's a Sharp-Dressed Man who uses traditional grip (i.e. Holding your left drumstick like a pencil).
    • Darrell's drumming style and personality are cold and mechanical. By contrast, everyone else's playing style and personality are Hot-Blooded and beastly.
  • Subverted: He appears to fit the stereotype, but is actually a very nice man.
  • Double Subverted:
    • He's just pretending to be nice to hide his actual craziness.
    • Alternatively, he's genuinely nice, but way too excitable.
  • Parodied:
    • He's also secretly half-dog.
    • Alternatively, he is a dog.
    • Every drummer is Animal
  • Zig Zagged:
    • Darrel's mood drastically changes. Sometimes he's a nice guy and sometimes he's crazy.
    • The band are a Genre Roulette band and sometimes his play style is fast and vicious, and sometimes it's slow and calm.
  • Averted:
    • There is no drummer.
    • The drums are programmed.
    • There is a drummer, but he is more casual, and doesn't engage in any of these antics.
  • Enforced:
    • The Tropers are a parody of over the top 70s Hard Rock and the drummer's antics are supposed to reflect how crazy drummers back then were.
    • The band are Progressive Rock, Death Metal or some other genre in which viciousness on the drums is required.
  • Lampshaded: "Man, Darrel sure can beat the hell out of those drums." "And anything else you put in front of him."
  • Invoked:
    • Darrel's parents were drummers too and just raised him in the drummer lifestyle.
    • The band leader tells Darrel to put everything he has into his playing and then some.
  • Exploited: The other bandmates use Darrel as their mascot to market their bands to people.
  • Defied: Darrel despite having high stamina and the ability to beat the drums till they break chooses to play softly to take on a calm demeanor so as not to attract too much attention to himself.
  • Discussed: "Hey Darrel, mind cooling it down a bit so our fans can hear more instruments than just the drums?"
  • Conversed: "I wonder how many times The Troper's drummer has had to go to the hospital for wrist injuries."
  • Implied: The bandmates each record their parts separately, but when the Record Producer steps up to the table, you can see him drastically lowering the volume of the drum parts.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Darrell is such an animal that he dies from it, forcing The Tropers into The Band Minus the Face territory.
    • Darrell's wild antics get The Tropers banned from various venues.
  • Reconstructed:
    • His replacement drummer is equally aggressive, and engages in as many solos, but is more down-to-earth than Darrell was.
    • The Tropers find a venue that is amenable to Darrell's insane behavior.

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