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Playing With / Aggressive Play Incentive

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Basic Trope: A game mechanic that rewards taking risks over being cautious.

  • Straight: Trope Hero II has a "Ferocity Meter" that increases your stats the more aggressively you fight; decreasing it the more you block.
  • Exaggerated:
    • The "Ferocity Meter" is a Game-Breaker that makes the whole game a cakewalk. Armor is functionally useless.
    • Trope Hero II tailors item-drops to a player's fighting style. Aggressive players get better items than those that focus on defense.
  • Downplayed: The Ferocity Meter encourages a player to forgo subtlety and bum-rush enemies for quick kills and high speed. Defensive playthroughs are possible, though they rely on some luck to get going.
  • Justified: The "Ferocity Meter" is your health. You have to desperately get kills just to stay alive. Time spent on guerilla tactics means more health bleeding away.
  • Inverted: Players that think Trope Hero II is a button-mashing beat-em-up are in for the rude awakening that is the "Tactics Meter," which increases your stats based on how cautiously you fight. Attacking too much too quickly weakens you.
  • Subverted: Trope Hero II encourages players to fight aggressively and quickly instead of being risk-averse. However, one of the best items in the game is an armor that renders the Meter into a Dump Stat and be found early enough with some luck...
  • Double Subverted: ...Except that armor only works in casual battles, keeping Ferocity the preferred method of fighting bosses and most post-game enemies.
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Parodied: ???
  • Averted:
    • Trope Hero II is a balanced game that accommodates various builds and playstyles. All-out carnage or methodical defense get you the same results.
    • Trope Hero II is a rhythm game with no combat to be aggressive in.
  • Enforced: Every character in Trope Hero II is a Glass Cannon. Defense isn't a factor, so destroying enemies quickly is the optimal way to play.
  • Lampshaded: "Trope Hero II really wants you to just go for it, doesn't it? I tried being tactical and it got me nowhere."
  • Conversed: ???
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: A boss in ''Trope Hero II’’ operates under a system that increases your attacking power the more desperately you fight. However, this also allows the foe to siphon more health from you. Playing with reckless abandon allows the boss to win just by doing nothing and waiting for you to drop.
  • Defied: ???
  • Discussed: ???

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