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Playing With / A Twinkle in the Sky

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Basic Trope: After an object is launched and disappears, a twinkle can be seen.

  • Straight: After Alice fires a cannonball and it disappears, it gives off a twinkle.
  • Exaggerated: The cannonball gives off a twinkle that fills the entire sky.
  • Downplayed: Not much can be seen after the cannonball disappears, but it appears to give off a brief, dim light.
  • Justified: The star was the result of the cannonball exploding just after leaving view.
  • Inverted: The cannonball is being launched towards Earth and gives off a twinkle immediately before it becomes visible.
  • Subverted: The cannonball appears to twinkle, but the light is actually from an aircraft.
  • Double Subverted: Which was also launched into the air.
  • Parodied: Alice is fired out of a cannon and becomes an entire constellation.
  • Averted: The cannonball simply disappears without any twinkle.
  • Enforced: The executives decide that they need to make the fact that the cannonball has left Earth obvious.
  • Lampshaded: "Why do things always twinkle when they disappear? It doesn't make sense."
  • Invoked: Alice uses a cannonball that gives off light a short while after it is fired, once it is no longer visible to the naked eye.
  • Exploited: Emperor Evulz uses this to track all of Alice's cannonball shots.
  • Deconstructed: Using these cannonballs proves less effective, as the enemy can easily see them as they are falling.
    • Bob is launched away in this manner. Unsurprisingly, this destroys him to the point that there aren't even ashes left.
  • Reconstructed: They are aimed at a stationary target, such as Emperor Evulz's castle. It doesn't matter whether he knows that where the cannonball will land; his castle will be hit regardless.
  • Played For Laughs: Some tribes who use the stars to navigate mistake the cannonball for a star, and start following it.
  • Played For Drama: Alice is fired out of a cannon. The twinkle is because she is burning in the atmosphere.

Back to A Twinkle in the Sky. Watch it twinkle as the page gets fired into the sky.
