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Playing With / A Nazi by Any Other Name

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Basic Trope: An antagonist group that serves as a stand-in for the Nazi party or is the series equivalent.

  • Straight: The Super Race consists of racist Right-Wing Militia Fanatic Social Darwinists sponsored by an Evil Colonialist, and wants to exterminate other races and Kill the Poor, dresses in black uniforms and speaks imposingly at a podium.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
    • The Super Race are just die-hard nationalists.
    • The Super Race was a totalitarian group that existed in the past of the setting and was famous for waging a brutal war against their neighbours. Even if their ideology is nothing like Nazism, their name is a byword for evil in the setting much like "Nazi" is in the real world.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
    • The Super Race look, act and talk like Nazis but are in fact Communists.
    • The People's Will consists of revolutionaries who want to depose the Corrupt Corporate Executive-run regime, install government control of the economy and support totalitarianism, and as such are communists by another name.
    • The Alliance for Liberty wants to reform their backwards kingdom ruled by an Evil Reactionary clique; namely, to instill a notion of power stemming from people instead of the Divine Right of Kings; to make government officials' positions, up to the highest governing body, elected rather than hereditary; to introduce a document defining regulations and limitations for said officials; to set up separate legislative and judicial branches of government; and to create a system of people's control over these positions. As such, they are democrats by any other name.
    • Characters who call themselves Nazis but don't act like them. (See also Non-Nazi Swastika).
  • Subverted:
    • The Super Race act like Nazis to look scary and intimidating, but decidedly aren't Nazis.
    • A group that enjoys wearing Prussian style uniforms but aren’t racist.
    • The Super Race definitely have fascist (or at least para-fascist) leanings, but their ideology turns to be partly based on an extreme form of civic nationalism. This means they're willing to let anyone who agrees with their views join up and they get genuinely offended whenever someone accuses them of being bigots; therefore, they don't like comparisons to Nazis.
  • Double Subverted:
    • ...but then they become Nazis because their act was so convincing.
    • They turn out to have just been hiding their racism for PR reasons.
    • While the organization as a whole isn't bigoted, it does have a bigoted contingent that either takes over or leaves to form its own group.
  • Parodied:
    • The Super Race hates everyone that doesn't like the television shows they watch.
    • The official name of the Super Race is literally "The National Socialist German Worker's Party", yet they insist they aren't Nazis.
    • The leader of the Super Race first turned evil after getting rejected from art school.
  • Zig-Zagged: The Super Race look like Nazis, but they aren't. Until it turns out their leader actually is a Nazi, and transforms the organization into it. But then the members resist and become Communists instead.
  • Averted: The Super Race just see themselves as different and aren't racist; the most one can get from them is some mostly harmless Cultural Posturing.
  • Enforced:
    • The creator wants Nazis in his work but it isn't set during World War II.
    • The creator is trying to avoid offending German audiences, and/or writing around German censorship laws prohibiting Nazi imagery in certain media.
    • Executives won't allow actual Nazis to appear either because they think the subject matter isn't family-friendly or because they believe including them would be too controversial.
  • Lampshaded: "Hey, these guys are Nazis!" "No, they're called the Super Race; get it right!"
  • Invoked: Their leader likes the Nazis' fashion and designs their uniforms like them to act more intimidating.
  • Exploited: A person pretends to be a member of the Super Race to get better priviliges.
  • Defied: The Super Race do their very best to ensure that their beliefs are seen as an ideology distinct from Nazism.
  • Discussed: "These Super Race guys remind me of the Nazis; heck they basically are them."
  • Conversed: "So, let me get this straight; those guys are like Nazis, but they aren't? How does that work?"
  • Implied: Super Race propaganda tells how they are supreme and excellent whilst never actually appearing themselves.
  • Deconstructed: Because they act like Nazis they get no recognition anywhere, are reduced to a petty criminal organization and their own internal squabble on whether they are Nazis or not destroys the organization...
  • Reconstructed: ...but because society thinks that since they are destroyed, they are not a danger anymore, and pays no more attention to them, someone manages to rebuild the organisation and it wins a dangerous amount of power.note 
  • Played For Laughs: Adolf Hitlarious.
  • Played For Drama: The Super Race manages to convince their country that they are destinied for greatness and kick-starts a war machine, leading up to World War III, and they all managed it because they didn't call themselves Nazis.

Do as your superior race and return to A Nazi by Any Other Name!
