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Playing With / A Dick in Name

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Basic Trope: A character named "Dick" (or a variation of it) is portrayed as being a Jerkass or is subjected to mockery because of his name also being a slang term for the male genitalia.

  • Straight:
    • Dick is the show's resident Jerkass who's always insulting and causing trouble for the other characters.
    • Dick is constantly the butt of such crude jokes involving his name as "Gee, Dick sure sucks...dick!"
  • Exaggerated:
    • Dick is the Big Bad and can't go a minute without doing something unforgivably cruel.
    • Everyone who meets Dick Ballson can't help but joke about his name.
    • Every single Jerkass in the show is named Dick or some variation thereof.
    • The Jerkass is given an incredibly unlikely phallic name just to really get the point across, like "Peniston" or "Harry B. Dick".
  • Downplayed:
    • Dick is a bit of a grouch, but ultimately isn't such a bad person.
    • People are tempted to make the obvious joke about Dick's name, but ultimately decide not to go there.
    • The joke is made more subtle by naming the character Richard.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
    • A character named Dick is portrayed as a Nice Guy
    • Dick makes fun of the other character's names.
  • Gender Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • Dick is assumed to be a bad person, but it turns out to be a misunderstanding.
    • A bully nearly cracks a joke about Dick's name, but is stopped by someone else who admonishes him.
  • Double Subverted:
    • The next person named Dick is a jerk for real.
    • Someone else manages to joke about Dick's name and gets away with it.
  • Parodied:
    • The character has a rather crude Punny Name involving Dick or one of the name's variants, such as Richard Head or Dick N. Balls.
    • Dick's signature is a crudely-drawn penis.
    • Dick is a member of a family where everyone has a name that's slang for genitalia (Dad Johnson, Mom Pussy, Cousin Wang and so on).
  • Zigzagged: It varies whether or not characters named Dick are assholes and whether or not their name is made fun of by the other characters.
  • Averted:
    • No one named Dick is a jerk or made fun of because of their name.
    • There are no characters named Dick, period.
  • Enforced:
    • "Our villain's already blatantly an awful person. We may as well actually make his name Dick."
    • "Dick's supposed to be suffering a lot, and nothing can be more undignified than having other people make immature jokes about his name also being slang for penis".
  • Lampshaded:
    • After Dick does something mean, the person who confronts him points out how fitting his name is.
    • "Why do you guys have to make fun of me just because my name happens to be Dick?"
  • Invoked:
    • Dick decides to become a jerk.
    • Bullies find out that the new guy is named Dick and proceed to waste no opportunity to harass him with jokes about his name.
  • Exploited: The Hero also happens to be named Dick, so the Big Bad uses propaganda to convince the public that no one named Dick can be trusted.
  • Defied:
  • Discussed: "His name's Dick and he happens to be a dick. What, do the writers think we're stupid or something?"
  • Conversed: "At least they're not using the character to make lame jokes about the word dick being slang for a certain part of the male anatomy."
  • Implied:
    • The characters mention disliking a character named Dick.
    • A character named Richard insists that he never be called Dick for short.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Because of Dick's mean-spirited ways, it becomes a stereotype that everyone named Dick is a bad person.
    • Dick goes insane over everyone making fun of his name, so he starts getting even by murdering them all (or just being mean to them back).
  • Reconstructed:
    • Everyone is wise enough to know that it is foolish to judge people by what their name is and there are still plenty of people named Dick who aren't jerks.
    • Dick's rampage is prevented when his true friends talk him out of killing/attacking his bullies and call the bullies out on making fun of his name.

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