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Nightmare Fuel / Very Bad Things

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  • Jeremy Piven's character accidentally impales a prostitute's head on a towel hook during rough sex and kills her.
  • The fact that this could be looked at as an early, more brutal version of The Hangover.
  • The Prostitute and The Security Guard are dismembered and buried in the desert and most of the people involved in the crime are dead, so this means that not only will their murders likely never be solved but their remains will likely never be found.
  • Boyd's descent into full-on sociopathic madness. It peaks when he kills Lois in cold blood. She was just a grieving wife and mother who had nothing to do with anything.
  • While the film's Downer Ending could be taken as the peak of twisted Black Comedy or too bleak to find funny or satisfying, Cameron Diaz's deranged wailing and screaming, the last sound you hear in the film, is genuinely haunting.
