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Nightmare Fuel / 28 Weeks Later

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As a Nightmare Fuel page, all spoilers are unmarked as per wiki policy. You Have Been Warned!

When doing a sequel, there's the chance that it won't be as good as the original. 28 Weeks Later is an exception to this. No, it's not an exception. It's in a league of its own horror, managing to top the original in so many ways.

  • Don. Robert Carlyle is good at creepy anyway, but him as an Infected was nightmarish, and that's not an easy thing to do. The scenes where he's first turned and what he does to Alice are horrifying, and the fact that he seems to retain some very basic reasoning just makes it worse. He's not a mindless, murderous creature like the Infected in the first movie—he's still very murderous, but he's got enough marbles left to actively hunt his children through London.
  • The Infected, as they seem to have some sort of basic intelligence. Not enough to avoid things like snipers, but enough to ambush you, or kill you in even more exciting ways.
  • When residents in the center are put into a sort of 'quarantine room' at the first sign of the infection. It's a small room, and there are a lot of people. Making it very cramped and claustrophobic. Bad enough by itself... But then a single infected gets inside through the only entrance, and everyone in there realizes they have no way to escape.
  • Andy's nightmare near the beginning, in which his mother peels off her own face while staring straight at the camera.
  • The attack on the cottage in the beginning. The scenes really make you feel as if you're right there in the middle of infected territory, so when the attack starts the panic feels real. The shot where Don's running away and a horde of infected come running over the hill is downright terrifying.
  • Alice's death is just so damn brutal... For those who do not wish to see the infamous scene involving Alice's death (One cannot blame you...), here's a summary: After Don kisses Alice (who has an asymptomatic form of the Rage virus), he begins to react and thrash horribly in the first 10-20 seconds of being infected finally becoming a Rage-inducted infected. After hearing Alice scream at him in horror, he then proceeds to beat her repeatedly, making her spit out blood, and then rip a piece of her neck off. And then when getting a flashback of Alice's wide-eye horror from the above mentioned cottage scene, he then proceeds to shove his thumbs into her eye sockets, reducing them into a bloody mush, all while she's screaming in pain and horror. And after killing her with that action, he proceeds to smack her head around as if trying to see if she really is dead. Dear god in heaven.
