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Nightmare Fuel / Spider-Man: Web of Shadows

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Here we are. Here we are. Here we are. Here we are.
If you thought Venom was bad before, you've seen nothing yet. The game features tons of nightmarish scenes where the whole of New York was being converted into a symbiote-infected warzone with Spidey struggling to avoid becoming another casualty.
  • The premise is among one of the darkest Spidey stories ever told. Venom loses his marbles and creates a massive symbiote epidemic, which plagues the entire city, poses a threat to the rest of the world, and even corrupts various heroes and villains. Think Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, except it's happening here on Earth.
  • The game starts with an Apocalyptic Log where Spidey is frantically begging for help to find Mary Jane and aid before he manages to find her and Luke Cage. They are then attacked by a mysterious woman as symbiote tentacles drag off a terrified Peter. Events kick back to the past as Venom is about to eat Spider-Man's head, which Peter barely survives by getting himself possessed by the symbiote again!
  • Venom goes Drunk with Power and goes full Eldritch Abomination, deciding to try and breed itself by spreading a symbiote plague across the city. Complete with disgusting egg pods that produce more symbiotes and tentacles spread across the city. The symbiote itself even mentions it's in full control and no longer listens to its host Eddie Brock.
  • The way the symbiote plague affects the city. Large masses of cancerous black goo and pulsating growths spread across skyscrapers, brainwashing and turning poor random citizens into rabid leaping lunatics that can use the same wall crawling skills as Peter and attack anyone uninfected in sight. As the symbiote mooks get worse, they turn into Venom copies! SHIELD actually has to cordon off the city and threaten to nuke it if Spidey fails to stop Venom in time.
  • The symbiotes start randomly possessing and infecting villains and heroes as the game progresses. Taking over Vulture, Electro, and later Black Cat with time. It gets so bad the remaining heroes and villains pull an Enemy Mine just for the chance to survive.
  • Symbiote Vulture. An especially AxCrazy Vulture whose reveal of being infected involves him murdering a SHIELD agent by dropping him from the sky while being sentient enough to admit he's enjoying it!
  • Electro in the game is much more deranged than the average version. He becomes a screeching lunatic prone to Unstoppable Rage who wants to rescue his sister from the symbiotes but ends up possessed himself.
  • Symbiote Wolverine. He's bad enough on his own, but his murderous impulses get kicked into overdrive when the symbiote is in control and he becomes a Lightning Bruiser covered in spikes. If the Red option is chosen, Wolverine manages to get the symbiote off by cutting it out of his own flesh.
    Spidey: (Disgusted) I didn't mean literally get it out. Doesn't that hurt?
    Wolverine: Yeah, like hell!
    • Alternatively, the Black Suit option has Peter choose to snap Wolverine out of it by ripping him in half to absorb the symbiote he's bonded with, with a shot soon after showing Wolverine crawling towards his own twitching boots as he calls Peter out on it. It's a precarious camera angle that spares the player the visage of Logan's organs splayed across the grass and keeps the game below an M rating.
  • Black Cat becoming a completely insane Yandere after being tainted by the Symbiote, frantically hunting after Spidey and trying to kill Mary Jane in a fit of jealousy.
    • Even long before that, Black Cat shows a creepily deep infatuation with Spidey, her banter showing her very clear sadomasochistic enjoyment of their battling which clearly creeps him out, even while taking it all in deadpan stride. She’s ready to pounce on him or pull him to her, both for a forced kiss with the latter having her kick him a way in the first phase of her fight, while the second will have her rapidly punch Spidey’s head in and give him a smack in the second phase’s versions.
  • If Spidey lets himself be corrupted by the Black Suit, he becomes more and more deranged. A lot of the Black Suit choices include letting two gang leaders kill each other, violently beating Electro to near death, ripping Wolverine in half, and tossing Venom into an aircraft turbine instead of letting him make the choice himself.
    Spidey: (coldly) So long, Brock.
  • Venom's mutation into "Venomzilla" is incredibly unsettling in that it effectively covers the entire helicarrier it's on, and sprouts multiple teeth filled heads as it stares down Peter.
