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Nightmare Fuel / Short Circuit

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  • The military robots themselves. They were created to be semi-autonomous war machines with powerful cutting lasers installed. They were given orders but had just enough AI to think for themselves to adapt their combat methods as needed. Oh and the look very similar to the ground-based "hunter killer" robots from the future visions of the Terminator franchise. The military also wants to mass-produce these to replace human soldiers. Had Johnny not developed morals when he became self-aware, it could have led to a situation similar to Skynet.
    • In fact the earlier drafts of the script really went overboard on these themes, which the final version downplayed a lot.
  • Johnny Five being beaten by Oscar's goons in slow-motion while Johnny desperately pleads for his life, with one shot of Johnny's eye getting hit, which makes him go silent. What really tops the scene was that red blood (actually battery fluid) gushed out of Johnny. Just think, if he were a human suffering the same exact beatdown, he'd look worse than Glenn from The Walking Dead!
    "No! Please, stop! Am alive! Do not kill m—" *smash!*
  • Any time Johnny gets angry enough for his eyes to turn red. Beware the Nice Ones indeed.
