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Nightmare Fuel / Pet Sematary Two

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Nice Zowie... Good Zowie...
  • Gus graphically skinning a rabbit for dinner, as well as his Jabba Table Manners and him inverting I Love the Dead by raping his wife.
  • The horrific remains of what Zowie did to those poor kittens at the vet's office.
  • Jeff's Sanity Slippage. He slowly becomes more and more unhinged after his mother dies.
  • Resurrected Gus almost inflicts an Eye Scream on Chase via power drill before drilling into his shoulder.
  • Renee killing the babysitter Marjorie via scissors to the eye. And then Chase turns over the body for a gory Eye Scream shot.
  • Renee's second death at the end. She screams for her son to join her as she slowly melts from the fire she herself started. There's a close up shot of the mortuary wax sliding off of her face, revealing her skeleton.
    Renee: Jeff... I don't want to be alone! Come back! Stay with me. Dead is better! DEAD IS BETTER!
