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Nightmare Fuel / Mnemosyne

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  • Rin's sickening torture sequences at the hands of Sayara.
  • The "dietary habits" of Angels in this universe.
  • The ending to Episode 5, in which Apos reveals himself to be a hermaphrodite and kills Rin by stealing her time fruit form her body, leaving her to decay, all while Mimi is Bound and Gagged, unable to do anything but watch.
  • The root of the Yggdrasil, where tons of immortal women are bound and only await the birth of the next Guardian.
  • Near the end of episode 6, the red egg opens up and the hands of all the immortal women come out and drag Rin inside, then the heads beg her to stay and try to drag her back in. Finally, Apos himself suffers the same fate, though he deserved it.
