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Nightmare Fuel / Mike Tyson Mysteries

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Just because the show has some funny moments doesn't mean there aren't any scary moments.

  • During "House Haunters", it seems like the couple Mike and the gang are helping find a house have found the perfect place. Marcus, waiting in the car because he loved the first house, spots a ghost in the attic window. When he enters the house to investigate he finds it covered in blood, a creepy woman walking around with a butcher knife, a hung body, a river of blood that pushes him down the stairs and other various gruesome horrors that send him into a panic and screaming that the house is evil. Unfortunately, the couple had decided to buy it and when the gang return home Yung Hee finds an article on the computer detailing how the couple and their dog were butchered.
  • Just... the whole murder investigation episode.
  • The ending to "Losin' it." Good. GOD.
    • For those wondering, in it Mike helps an overweight kid lose some of the pounds, but his mother is very enabling and doesn't want him to lose it or he'll leave her. After some hijinks the gang leaves and the kid loses weight thanks to a juicer... then it turns out there's a reason his mother isn't there. He murdered her while still overweight, juices her, and drinks it! What's creepier is we never see his reaction or even him getting arrested. Just the horrified view reactions from the audience Mike invitied.
  • Season 3 Mike in general. Who seems to be slipping mentally, and delivers outright threats of violence to the team.
  • The ending of the episode, "The Beginning", where a portal opens up in a picture frame that starts shouting at the team as they enter the portal. When the team arrives at the location, Abner Callmouth-Griegs talks to the gang, pleading to switch places with them only for Marquess to rightfully call him out on not just using the portal to escape from the witch that is killing Abner's family, cooking them into stew and forcing him to eat his own family. It's a curse for all of eternity. Mike and the team are understandably horrified enough to go through the portal to return home and they break the picture in the process.
  • In the Season 3 episode "Ring of Fire," Marquess is having a Freak Out and attempting to dispose of murder evidence at a metal processing plant when he comes across the wife of a man they were trying to solve a mystery for. Presuming she murdered the husband and was getting rid of the murder weapon (and thus the cause of Marq's freaking out in the first place), he promptly shoves her into molten metal to her death and refuses to listen to her. It was not a fast demise.
    • This was followed up by confronting the now-widowed living husband who explains what really happened, and a suitably horrified Marquess just tries to assure him she'd come back and ditches. Said husband even explicitly says he'd kill himself if she never came back. The Stinger then shows a horribly-disfigured hand of Elizabeth crawling out of the still-active vat.
  • In the episode "Love Letters" because the gang couldn't leave well enough alone, they caused the death of an old woman and then because of a misunderstanding inadvertently caused the death of another woman. To explain, the death of the first old lady was because they found old love letters assuming they were addressed to this old woman, turns out her husband was having an "affair" and those were a letter to his lover. She suffers a fatal heart attack. The gang then finds an unopened letter and brings it to the other woman named Cathy. Turns out Cathy and the old man were spies and the love letters were secret messages, meaning the affair wasn't one at all. Then it turns out the letter was never meant to be sent and only if they become compromised. The ink had poison in it and the death wasn't painless. To everyone's horror, Cathy starts melting before them, in front of her son and grandkids, with sickening digitized screams. Literally all this could've been avoided if the gang had just left well enough alone.
  • The unseen cyborg spawn of Adam and Anne from "At The Car Wash". Judging by the sounds and everyone's horrified reactions, it's quite the nightmarish little baby.

  • Season 4

  • In "The Christmas Episode" the team was assisting a young woman with helping her father who wants to kill himself. Through some circumstances, he thinks Marquees is his dead wife and seems to be getting better only for it turn out his dead wife was having a years-long affair with another man at the old folks home. The man immediately starts choking Marquees with the intent to kill him. Mike is oblivious to the whole situation. Marquees stabs the man in the eye with a high heel he had on after stepping in some dog shit... it makes just as much sense in context. He stabs the old man thus killing him and the man drops dead.
  • The fact Deezy dismembered a body assuming he'd be in the clear and Mike actually drowning and dying. All in the episode, "Let's Make a Deal", which the title alone sends shivers no less and involves a backmasked message in a demonic voice completely by accident.
  • "Pilot Error" a mother in law lets her husband die of heart attack, shooting her daughter assuming she was her son in law who she sexted... it makes sense in context and then killing herself once she realizes her mistake. What's worse she realizes the sexting incident was a mistake on the son in laws part, it's too late and her husband had already died and decides to kill him which leads to her accidentally killing her daughter.
    • And at the end of the episode, it turns out the father-in-law wasn't dead, and that this whole incident was engineered by himself and the son-in-law so that they could be together.
  • The entire third act to "Shop 'Til You Drop". Just... damn! And it was an entire misunderstanding!
  • "Landon's End" Thanks to Marquees being a dumbass the son in the episode ends up basically lobotomized because he assumed the kid was lying was about using painkillers and sent him to rehab where they performed a procedure on him that only works if you're using drugs. Marquees know it's too late to say anything and just keep up the lie. The horrified look on the kid's face after the procedure, poor thing can't even talk anymore. Oh, and the alien that the sister and brother were protecting is killed by Mike being an idiot.
  • "Clam Bam Thank You Ma'am" The brother killing themselves assuming their brother died there. Turns out he was rescued by a mermaid... don't question it, it makes just as much sense in context, and he's been living with her thanks to her mermaid kiss... again don't question it. The brothers don't meet the same fate and perish underwater because the mermaid princess didn't see them walking into the waters.
